chapter thirty two

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The next day at school I caught Jordan by his locker. I knew he saw me but he made no moves to come near me. It hurt but I expected it. What he didn't know was that I wasn't going to let him avoid me.

I tentatively walked over to him and I watched his body stiffen. He tried to ignore me but once I tapped his shoulder he had to face me.

I wrung out my hands as I spoke. "Can I talk to you?"

He shrugged as if to say he didn't fucking care.

"Will you ride the bus with me tomorrow?"

He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Please. I know I don't deserve it but I need to show you something. It's really important."

He sighed. "Maybe Charlotte. I got a lot going on right now so  we'll see."

I bit back tears.

"Okay. I just have to say I promise if you come I can make this right again."

A flicker of interest sparked in his eye but it quickly disappeared as his face went back to neutral.

"I can't promise anything but I'll try my best."

I nodded.

"I gotta get to class."

"Okay." I said hoarsely.

I watched him walk past me and head to class.

Internally, I was panicking but I knew if he didn't show I wasn't going to give up.


The next morning I settled back into an old pattern. I actually walked to the bus stop and listened to music again on my morning commute.

I listened to my indie music and tried to settle back in and relax. I waited anxiously for the bus and tapped my foot.

I was just praying that Jordan came on the bus today. Even if it was nothing more than a pity thing. A sad little look at my ex-girlfriend thing.

As the bus pulled up I smiled anxiously at the new driver and scanned my card.

I turned to face the bus goers and for a split second they all just stared at me. 

I tried to remove the awkwardness with a stupid little wave but Annie decided that that wasn't good enough because she stood up, walked to the front of the bus and hugged me. And eventually when I got myself together I hugged her back.

"Missed you kid."

"Missed you too," I whispered.

When we broke apart I turned to face everyone, still not knowing quite what to do or say. But luckily for me I didn't need to say anything because I could tell by their faces they understood.

I tucked my hair behind my ear before speaking after a beat of silence.

"I missed all of you guys."

Mrs. Lorraine smiled.

"You doing better Charlie?" She asked.

"I'm doing a lot better," I told her.

"Proud of you," she said.

I felt tears rushing to the surface but I blinked them back.

"Also just so you know. Jordan and I broke up."

They all collectively gasped in shock.

"But don't worry I'm going to get him back."

"How?" Travis said.

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