chapter nine

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It was after 5th period when Jordan and I were catching up before the next class. I was switching out my textbooks that Jordan was holding for me. I started to shove the books in when Jordan took them back out of my hands.

"It won't fit if you put it in that way, " he said.

I snorted. "That's what she said."

He laughed. "It's always the innocent ones."

I rolled my eyes. "How would you know? Maybe there's something I haven't told you," I teased.

"I would definitely know. And I know you. You're not like that. You're different."

I shut my locker before I narrowed my eyes. "Different how?"

"You know... You're better. You don't sleep around."

I grew annoyed. He really thought he was giving me a compliment. I even gave him time to backtrack before he spewed out some foolishness but obviously he didn't take the hint.

"Jordan. It pisses me off when people say shit like that. Don't clap for me because I haven't had sex. Not having sex isn't a prize. It doesn't make me any better than anyone else. I choose to be a virgin and not everyone chooses to do the same. Don't pit women against each other."

He seemed to have sensed that I was getting riled so he started to choose his words more carefully. "True, I guess. I just think that it's a good decision to not have sex."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Cause I'm a girl? You've had sex so you're in no position to tell me what to do."

He lifted his hands in a placating manner. "Why are you getting defensive? It's not about that. I'm just saying that the experience wasn't even all that. Why would I tell you to have trash sex for no reason?"

"The issue with that is that your opinion on my sex life doesn't matter. I didn't ask so why are you telling me what to do at all?"

"Okay I'm not telling you what to do it's just that as a friend I'm giving you advice."

"But your advice was not wanted or needed. You get to screw whoever you want and I make one joke about it and you're being sexist. I can't believe you right now."

"What the fuck?" He said looking confused.

"Yeah what the fuck. I'm not a bird. Just cause I fit the mold of what women are quote on quote supposed to be like doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with not fitting the mold."

He had no retort for that point.

The bell rang. I was late but this was important to me.

"I've heard the stories of what you do with girls. I've actually even seen some of it in action. So I guess according to your standards since I'm better than other girls than other boys are better than you. Cause you see, those other boys haven't slept with other girls." That was my parting shot as I walked away.

I decided on going to the guidance counselor instead of class because I just didn't have it in me to go right now. I worked on my college apps some more and after the bell rang I was off to practice.


After practice Harper and I were on our way to volunteer at the soup kitchen downtown and I was currently spilling the tea from earlier to her in the car.

She sighed. "Why do men think that's a compliment?"

"You tell me. Like just cause we're friends doesn't mean I won't correct you when you're wrong."

"Exactly. You were definitely in the right."

I nodded in agreement and rolled down the window. I needed some air. Harper changed lanes before looking at me with a small smile.

"What?" I asked.

"Liam Webber asked me out today."

I screamed. "Shut up. And you're only telling me now? What did you say?"

"I said yes obviously."

"He's hot as shit dude." I told her.

"I know."

Liam Webber was our quarterback. He was kinda popular because he was a football player but he was actually really nice. Liam was everyone's friend because he was just that kinda guy. He was kinda like Jordan. Both were the best at their individual sports and both were very socially inclined.

"Where are you going?"

"The movies tomorrow. And I know we were supposed to go homecoming dress shopping but I'll make it up to you."

"Bro no worries. I'm literally so excited for you."

Harper grinned at me and parked the car.


When I got home I ate dinner with Ollie and went to do homework. Jordan hadn't texted me or said anything since the incident and it was lowkey bothering me.

I was annoyed that I cared but he was my friend. And I was in love with him.

When I went to bed I was hoping that tomorrow one way or another we were going to talk and clear the air.

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