chapter fifteen

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I spilled the beans to my parents. My mom was excited because she probably had been praying for us to get together since I was 7. My dad didn't seem against it but he didn't seem happy about it either. Based on his reaction I expected a talk from my dad to occur somewhere in the following week. I ended up leaving them to their thoughts seeing as I had a date to go on.

Since it was my weekend to pick the date I decided we were going to go ice skating at Millennium Park. We were going to take the train because parking in the city was a bitch.

We took the redline to get downtown and we stopped to get hot chocolate on the way to the rink. It was supposed to snow today and exactly as we stepped on the rink light snowflakes started raining from the sky.

I could roller skate pretty well but ice skating was just harder for me to do for some reason. I made Jordan drag me along with him so I wouldn't fall. I hung onto his waist as he maneuvered around the rink and once I got back into the rhythm of things I let go.

Jordan forced me to race him around the rink knowing I would lose and then made fun of me when I did. Then we ended up playing tag with these random little kids and then once it got a bit darker we left to go to Panera so I could get some soup.

After we left Panera the snow was coming down harder. Jordan and I walked towards the fountains where we stood and looked out on the lake. The night was dawning and the lights of the city left us with a spectacular view.

I pulled out my phone for my snap story and the flash caught his attention. I faced the camera towards him and I recorded the snow bunching up under his eyelashes. When he had, had enough, he let out a groan of annoyance and tried to swipe the phone from my hand.

I laughed and tried to dodge him but eventually he dragged me into him and plucked it out of my hands. He shoved it into his pocket and moved his attention towards me. He tugged at a lock of my hair and shook out the snow as it danced all over his hand.

His face had gone soft and he bent his head to kiss me. I stood on my tiptoes to meet him. As his lips drew closer to mine I swerved and grabbed the hat off his head. And then I ran. For like 5 seconds.

I didn't get too far because his hand was on my belt loop. But I also wouldn't have gotten too far anyway because I had slipped on ice and fallen.

I felt the snow soaking up my jeans and I laughed as Jordan extended a hand to pull me up to my feet. I gripped his hand and as I was halfway up he let go, only to send me tumbling back into the snow.

I flicked him off and got up on my own. My ass was killing me and now I was covered in snow. I wiped off as much as I could and then Jordan double checked because he claimed he just had to make sure I didn't have any extra snow on my butt.

We kept horsing around as we walked to the train station. I was starting to shiver because of the weather and my wet jeans. Jordan tried to wrap me up in him so I'd stop being so cold. It wasn't working but he was trying to comfort me so I let him think it did. I tried my best to hold back my teeth chattering as we neared the station.

Once we got on the train I did a little dance as I warmed up and it closely resembled the potty dance. And since I had a huge watermark across the front and back of my jeans it definitely looked like I peed myself which made it even more ugly.

As soon as we neared our stop I hoofed it towards my house. With Jordan right on my tail he continued his bullying. But I simply flicked him off and made my way to my house. Once we got there I opened the door and ran inside shouting, "I'll be back!"

I quickly changed to gain some warmth and then came back downstairs and grumbled at Carter for leaving his legos out all over the floor.

I looked through the peephole to spy on Jordan and he was just standing there leaning on the porch waiting for me. And I don't know why, but my heart fluttered.

I threw open the front door and leaned against the door frame. I pretended to hold a cigarette in between my fingers and when I blew out a breath the cold air looked like the smoke. I raised a brow all mock sexily and flicked my wet gross hair over my shoulder.

"Hey there." I said huskily.

He looked me up and down. "Sometimes I worry about you."

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. "You could have come inside," I told him.

"If I came inside your dad might have seen me."

"So? My dad likes you."

"Maybe he likes me now but I don't think he'd like me so much if he caught you giving me a goodbye kiss."

I nodded. "You might be onto something there."

"Exactly." He crooked his finger. "Now come over here."

I pursed my lips. "I swear it's like you don't have manners."

"I have great manners."

"Shut up."

"Come over here, I'll prove it."

I snorted. "I-"

Carter cut me off mid sentence by pushing me out the door. "Charlie, you can flirt with Jordan outside. I'm cold."

He shut the door in my face as I made a noise in protest.

"How rude." I muttered.

"I love that kid." Jordan said from behind me.

I whirled to face him and flicked him off. Again.

"Now. About those manners I need to show you."

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