chapter five

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The next monday I climbed on the steps of the bus and shot my wonky smile at Ray. Jordan was feeling gross so he decided to stay home. It was just me today.

I sat down and took out my earbuds. I leaned against the seat, content and still a bit sleepy. Once we passed Jordan's stop Ray cleared his throat obnoxiously and my gaze shifted to him. I caught him staring me down through the mirror above his head.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"You know what."

Actually I didn't. But I decided to just assume he was referring to me and Jordan.

"What about it?"

"Girl, I've watched you and that boy run up all over this bus for more than 10 years. It's the same thing everyday. When are y'all gonna stop playing around."

Aww Ray. A romantic.

I shrugged. "Not sure if that's in the cards for us Ray. I just don't think it'll happen."

"And why not?" Annie said from behind me.

Okay what was this? Shit was turning into an ambush.

I turned around to face her. "I just think we're better off as friends," I told her.

She looked at me funny. Like she thought I was on drugs. Crack to be exact.

"Baby, remember when Otis used to be on this bus?" Mrs. Lorraine asked, stealing my attention.

I nodded, unsure of where this was going.

"Ooh me and him used to talk all the time about how you two would make a sweet couple."

I clenched my book bag. I was about to jump out the window cause God dang this was awkward.

Travis looked at me. "Want me to talk to him?"

"No. No. No. That won't be necessary." I said with my hands in the air.

I looked to the heavens for patience. "You see guys, the truth is that I actually like Jordan. He just um, doesn't like me." I told them hesitantly.

They all gasped. Their mouths actually dropped open. Well except for Cassie's because she was ignoring this whole interaction.

"That's not true," Annie said.

I sighed. "Trust me it is. I would know, I've tried."

"No way baby, the way that boy looks at you, I just know he likes you." Mrs. Lorraine said softly.

I wanted to bang my head against the wall. This is what my life had come to. I was being ambushed by a city bus full of people about my love life, or lack of thereof.

Ray looked at me through his mirror again. "Charlotte, that boy would be all types of fool, if he didn't."

It was time to nip this in the bud. "Okay guys. I hear you but I'm telling you it isn't up to me." I took a deep inhale. "Sorry to be the bearer of bad news."

They all looked at me. I squirmed.

Annie chimed in with her final hurrah. "Okay girl, we'll leave you alone but I'm telling you it's fate. Everyone can see it. Y'all just fit. And when you get together I'll remind you I told you so."

I shot her a small smile as I stood up, preparing to get off at my stop. I know they meant well but this conversation was depressing and honestly it was killing my good mojo for the day. I tried to act cool about it but it was hitting me in a weird way. However, since they were my bus family I put on a face for them. I put on my cheshire cat grin but still, I knew they saw through me.

I hiked my backpack up my shoulders and I ignored their worried stares.

"Bye everyone." I said.

I heard them all wish me a goodbye as I stepped off the bus and started walking to school.


At lunch I repeated the events that took place earlier to Harper. And then I watched her eyes grow wide as I finished giving her the rundown.

"Bro, I knew it!" She said.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Seriously Lottie, other people, and not just any other people, literally people who watched you grow up see what I see. It proves it. You belong together."

I bit into my quesadilla frustratedly. It seemed no one was understanding that it was not in my control.

"Okay you might see it, they might see it, I might see it but if Jordan doesn't see it then it doesn't matter."

"But Ch-"

I cut her off. "Harper, I'm tired of feeling so much for someone who doesn't feel the same. It's emotionally draining and I need to get over him so I don't stay stuck where I am. If it was going to happen it would have already happened. And if it did happen you know I would jump at the chance but that's an if. I'm not going to spend the rest of my last year in high school moping after Jordan. Cause I'm going to be having fun. With or without him."

Her face softened. "You're right." She said as she winded down. "I know you think I'm being a nag but you've always been there for me. Always. And no one deserves happiness more than you. That's why I just want to see my best friend happy with the guy she's always wanted."

My annoyance melted. "I know Harper." I said, putting my arm around her. "Thank you for loving me so much."

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