chapter thirty three

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Early next week I had officially committed to Northwestern. I was excited and I felt confident with my choice. Mostly because I could still see my friends and boyfriend but also because I knew that I felt comfortable there.


On Saturday afternoon, Harper, Margot, Elyse and I were finally going to our prom dress fitting for prom next week.

Harper and the girls had bought prom dresses but I was wearing my mom's old prom dress. I revamped it, or made her revamp it because I loved the material.

My mom never got to wear her prom dress and my grandmother had made it herself. My grandfather had just died from cancer so she never went to her senior prom.

The dress was gorgeous. It was this green velvet and it ran down to the floor. It had a total 90's look. It was sleek and sexy and hugged my body tightly.

It hid my insecurities and most of all it made me feel beautiful. Not like regular shmegular Charlotte but like super fine, classy Charlotte.

The straps on the original dress were pretty thick and I traded them in for a more spaghetti strap look. I got the dress cinched at the waist and looser around the hips. I had the hem extended because I was 3 inches taller than my mom and I knew I would be wearing heels.

My mom did everything but the slit that I wanted in the dress so I decided to take it to the same taylor that the rest of the girls went to.

Harper tried on her dress first and it was a lavender color that worked well against her jet black hair and her light brown skin. The dress was very cinderella-esque and looked amazing on her.

Elyse went next with a pale pink dress with lots of sheer layering. Elyse was so dainty and pretty she looked like a human fairy. She had brown wavy hair, a petite frame and the cutest button nose.

Margot went after her with an ice blue corset bodice dress with a sweetheart neckline. Her curly blond hair fit the dress super well and we all made her promise not to straighten it.

Last was me in my dress which hugged me like a glove. The slit was perfect and stopped two inches above my knee.

It flared out at the bottom a tad and I knew with the black heels I bought the length would be perfect.

I walked out of the dressing room and posed as my girls were catcalling at me.

"You look stunning Charlie!" Elyse said.

"For real! If Jordan didn't take you back he would have regretted it after seeing your ass in that dress," Margot said with a wink.

"We already know Charlotte has a superior butt guys. What we need to talk about is the leg you're giving with that slit," Harper said.

I shot her a little side smile and blew her a kiss before running back to the changing room to take off my dress.


After we all squished into Harper's car I laughed softly.

"You know what's funny guys?"

"What?" Margot said.

"We're going to prom with boys."

Elyse laughed.

"Like 4 boys like us enough to want to go to prom with us."

Margot smiled. "It's weird. Like I knew I would for sure have a boyfriend but the rest of y'all? Excuse me while I laugh."

I smacked the back of her head from the back seat and Elyse motioned for me to slap her again on behalf of her so of course I complied.

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