chapter thirteen

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It was cold as balls. Winter was here and the weather was just not it. I was used to it by now but it never stopped being annoying. I zipped up my coat and waddled down the street to the bus.

It hadn't snowed yet but it was supposed to later in the week and I was not excited.

The bus pulled up and Ray took one good look at me bundled up and started laughing. I shook my head at him.

"I get cold easily," I said, defending myself.

"How long have you lived here?"

I rolled my eyes and pointed to my skin. "See this Ray? These are African genetics and Africans live in Africa where it's hot. Me and you are not meant for these streets."

Ray looked me up and down and then rolled his eyes. "Just go sit down."

I made my way over to my seat and exchanged daily greetings with my fellow bus brethren before sitting. I looked Travis in the eye and willed him with my gaze to not talk. And based on the smile on his face I knew he wasn't making any promises.

I gave up on him and started bouncing in my seat excitedly. I was waiting for Jordan so I could tell him that I had found my homecoming dress.

When he got on the bus I immediately shouted out an over enthusiastic greeting which in hindsight was definitely over kill. I cleared my throat afterwards to decrease suspicion. It may not have worked because I saw Ray giving me a quizzical look.

I chose to ignore him too and then I waved Jordan over.

Jordan looked me up and down. "Are you high?"

"No. I'm just excited."

He raised his brows as if to say that was obvious. "So are you going to tell me what about?"

"I found my homecoming dress."

He smiled at me. "Let me see it."

I slapped his thigh. "No. It's a surprise."

"So you got excited to tell me you found a dress but you won't show me the dress?"

"Yeah. Because like I said it's a surprise."

"You drive me crazy, you know that?"

I grinned but refrained from kissing him because that would definitely put a crimp in our plans.


Jordan and I drove to the Friday homecoming game together and we may have invested in a bit of pre game festivities in his car again. Sex was off the table and it would be for a while but we were still being relaxed about things. Just taking them as they came.

Harper had saved us a spot in the front since she was there to cheer on Liam. They were also going to homecoming together but they were going as friends. They both wanted different things and Harper wasn't ready for anything casual so she decided against starting anything.

I loved Harper because she was my best friend but also because she taught me how to be comfortable with saying no. I'm a natural people pleaser and Harper really reminded me that I didn't have to succumb to peer pressure ever.

When Jordan and I arrived we split up. I sat by Harper and Margot and he went to go sit by his friends. Who by the way were giving him major shit because of us finally dating. I heard them messing with him and when I laughed at one of their comments he narrowed his eyes at me.

We ended up winning the game much to Elyse's dismay because she was dating a guy on our opposing team. We rubbed it in her face and she deserved it for betraying us.

Drive Me CrazyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant