chapter thirty six

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I woke up all groggy from last night's partying all tangled up in Jordan. I removed my leg from his hip and I shrugged his arm away from me.

I slid out from under him and hobbled out to the bathroom so I could pee.

I went in to check on Margot who was the only one left who stayed the night.

I peeked through the doorway and made direct eye contact with Matt and a sleeping Margot.

"Creep," he whispered at me in an attempt to not wake her.

I flicked him off. "I just wanted to make sure she was alive."

"You didn't want to check if I was alive?" he asked.

I pursued my lips. "You didn't drink yourself to death last night," I told him.

He turned his gaze back to Margot and shook his head.

"True that," he muttered.

I yawned. "I'm about to go wake Jordan up so we can leave," I said as I left the room.

I checked my phone and found that Liam and Harper were at his place all safe. Elyse and her boyfriend Ryan left earlier so I knew they were good so finally I was able to relax.


Jordan dropped me off at my house and I wandered inside where my mother greeted me.

"Hey Charlie," she said absentmindedly, cooking in the kitchen. "How was the sleepover at Harper's?" she asked.

And I know what you're thinking. That I'm a bad kid and yadda yadda yadda but I have to say in my defense that it had to be done.

What black mother would let their kid spend the night with their high school boyfriend after a party. Even if the boyfriend was her childhood best friend and even if she promised her mom that nothing inappropriate would be happening between them let me tell you that she would hit me with that no faster than lightning.

And deep down I knew she would find out. Somehow my mom always did. How, I didn't know but she was good and I had to give her that.

However, even though I knew she would find out eventually, that eventually wasn't today so I was going to carry on about my business in hopes that when she did find out she didn't kill me.

I sleepily wandered up the stairs and threw my stuff, prom dress and all, on the floor before trying to catch some more z's.


When I woke up I sent some of my prom pictures to Mrs. Mcalister and then posted a few on my instagram.

My whole feed was prom pictures and it made me literally mutter yuck before I closed the app and headed to twitter.

After I took a long shower and tried not to mess up my prom hair because my hair was never straight and I wanted to savor this.

Since it was warm outside I went out in the backyard and watched some netflix while I ate some fruit my mom cut for me.

After I went back inside I joined my family and we rewatched Rush Hour for the billionth time before I called it a night and went upstairs.


I called Harper to see how she was doing and she seemed surprisingly normal.

"You okay?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded.

I looked at her strangely. "You guys had sex again didn't you?" I asked.

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