{JeffMads} Gentle Words (82)

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"It's good to see you again, Janette," I greeted politely, letting my siblings gather in the door with ease.

"You, too, dear," she smiled weakly. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"Thank you," I bowed slightly.

I was quick to leave that awkward air, following my siblings into the building. They were already in tears as we gathered in the room with the casket. My mother's gentle features were as beautiful as when we last saw her barely a few days ago. The poke dotted dress Sarah and I chose matched her clear skin, slight makeup adorning her face. Sarah practically fell onto the casket, making me wrap my arms around her as she sobbed out. William was close to crumbling, tears falling down his face, as well. I kept myself strong for my younger siblings, gathering both of them into my arms and hugging them tightly. I knew they were heartbroken from this, and I knew this sorrow will not leave for a little while.

The day continued as I placed them in chairs, letting them cry as I took the onslaught of friends apologizing for our loss. I gently thanked them, letting them move on with the satisfaction of knowing they did all they could for comfort. Hercules was supporting us, handing my siblings a water to sip on. I disregarded the water handed to me, thanking him for the gesture. I kept myself tough with slight tears only falling slowly, knowing that I will no longer see my mother in the kitchen, scooping up ice cream for dessert before dinner.

Memories flooded as I got to sit beside Hercules, our closest friend of the family, Erin, stepping forward. She spoke of how my mother would love how we gathered here together, our hearts set out to make her comforted. Gently, she spoke of memories that many could remember, laughing at the comical parts and frowning at the sad parts. We all listened intently, nodding with every methodical word she spoke of the caring person. With a wipe of the eyes, Erin glanced at the person in the casket.

"We will miss you dearly, Nelly. Rest easy, my dear friend."

With that, the people around us stood to go to the graveyard. I stayed in my seat, letting my siblings say a final goodbye in private. Erin stayed as well, those who needed to collect the casket for transport waiting outside with her command. Everyone left the building but the five of us, my siblings standing and traveling to the open casket. Gentle hands rested on my mother's arm, tears cascading down the faces of my siblings.

"I love you, Mom," Sarah whispered, caressing the smooth skin of Mom. "We will forever love you."

"Please, take care of our siblings while you're there with them," William wiped his tears with his arms, trying to hold back a hiccup.

I watched the two of them step away, letting me step forward. With no words coming from my throat, I softly pressed my hand to her face. I didn't need to speak, pressing my fingertips to her forehead. The loving touch I left was enough, making me step back from her. Erin stepped to me, pressing a hand to my shoulder for comfort. I nodded to her, letting her call in those who are transporting her.

We found our way to the graveyard, the grave already placed with the hole the size of the casket. We got there as they were able to position everything, stopping for tissues at a dollar store. We got out of the car, going over to where everyone was already gathered. The grave said many words I couldn't read without wanting to break down in tears, a gentle hand pressed into mine. Sarah stood next to me, William on my other side. I took William's hand, squeezing it for comfort.

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