{Jamilton} Worry and Care (59)

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▲▽Alexander Hamilton's P.O.V.▼△
★Modern AU★
★・・・・・・★ ・・・・・・★

I was brought back to my dorm by Lafayette, his boyfriend, Hercules, helping.  "I still don't believe you broke your arm," Hercules murmurs, opening the door for me.  "How did you say it happened?"

"I accidentally crashed my car," I reply, shrugging.  "It isn't a huge deal.  I just want to get this damn cast off and get back to school."

"Isn't a big deal?" Lafayette asked, his eyebrows furrowing.  "Mon ami, that is a huge deal!  It is a broken arm."

"And quite a lot of bruising," Hercules added, shutting the door to my dorm.

"As I said, it isn't a big deal.  I'm not dead and I can still function."

"Barely," I heard behind me, a southern tone making me cringe a bit.  "I'm the one who has to care for you, Hamilton."

"No one has to care for me," I glanced back at Lafayette, to see he's smiling slightly.  "I can function perfectly and I'll be fine.  I just want some rest now."

"We'll be back tomorrow evening with your homework and class work," Hercules replies, walking out with Lafayette.

"Thomas, be kind to him," I heard as I began walking to my room, Lafayette sounding desperate.  "Don't treat him like un enfant."

"Oui," Thomas replied, sighing. 

I got to our shared room, closing the door behind me, and laid down in my bed, draping the blanket over my bruised figure.  Carefully, I slid the pain medication I have to use out of my pocket and hid it under one of my pillows, taking one that I had silently took out.  I rolled away from the light that flashed into the room as Thomas opened the door once more.

"Hamilton, you need anything while I'm up?" Thomas grumbled.

"No," I replied anxiously.

Thomas didn't reply as lights were turned off and shuffles were heard across the room, meaning Thomas was going to bed.  Closing my eyes, I decided I needed to sleep to regain my energy back to work on my work tomorrow.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

"Are you sure you don't need anything at the store?" John asked through the phone.  "I can get it for you."

"I'm okay, John," I replied, looking at my laptop I had in my lap.  "I just need some time to heal, I guess."

"Are you sure, mon ami?" Lafayette spoke up.  "We can bring you anything you need."

"What I need is to get some work done," I snapped a bit.  I heard silence at the other end of the call, making me sigh.  "I'm sorry for snapping.  I'm just tired of all the worry, is all."

"Don't sweat it.  I'd probably be the same way," Hercules butted in.  "We'll leave you be.  If you need help on any of the math, you know who to call."

"Aaron Burr?" I joked, making the other side of the call laugh.  I laughed a bit as well, looking down at the textbook that was sitting next to me on the couch.  "I'll see you guys later."

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