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"The same way I can do this." I pointed my wand at him. "Incarcerous" ropes flew out of my wand and tied themselves on his legs and torso. I made sure the ropes wouldn't hurt him, just enough for him to fall to the floor. 

He fell to the floor with a loud THUN and glared at me angrily. 

"Fine! You are a powerful witch! Point taken! Can you unrope me please?" George was now giving me puppy eyes. I muttered the counter-curse and he stood up. I pointed my wand at Filch. 

"Diffindo" His body suddenly began to move again, before he had time to process I opened my mouth again. 

"Confundus!" With that, the three of us ran back to the common room howling with laughter.  

We climbed through the portrait hole still snickering, and there in the middle of the empty common room stood Percy. 'uh-oh' I thought. 

"Where have you three been?" Percy shrieked. "It's late!"

"Oh Percy, it's not that late." I told him. 

"It's way past curfew for first years! And you still haven't done your charms homework. If you three continue like this, you will fail" He declared. 

"I doubt Rose would fail charms this year, or any year really." George commented, I jabbed him on the ribs. Percy looked confused before he decided to ignore the comment. 

"Fred, what is that in your hand?" Percy asked Fred. He just hid it behind himself. 

"It's mine. No questions." Fred told his older brother. 

"Fred give it to me!" Percy ordered. 

"No! Sod off, Percy" Fred responded. Percy's hand began to take his wand out from his pocket. 

"Immobulus!" I yelled and pointed my wand at Percy, before he could summon the piece of parchment. Percy froze instantly and the twins roared with laughter. 

"Hide that piece of parchment, quick!" I warned the twins. I had no idea what it was, but it was definitely important. Fred ran up to his dorm, and George was gasping for air. I walked up to Percy. 

"Look Perce, it's nothing personal but you were being an arse." I told him matter-of-factly. George began to laugh again. 

"I'm going to take the charm off, i'm going to run up the stairs, and you are not following. Think what you want Percy, but I am merely helping you to loosen up." I told him with a grin. My eyes were emerald green. 

"George, run up the stairs!" I ordered George. I backed up the stairs myself and muttered the counter-curse before I sprinted to my dorm. Once I closed the door I heard Percy scream.

"ROSE!" I began howling with laughter, the girls looking at me confused. 

"Rose, what did you do?" Angie asked. 

"Oh nothing. Just a tiny little prank on Mr. Goodie-Goodie." I said once I recovered from my laughter. Angelina and Alicia snickered and went back to bed. I went to bed myself. 


I was having breakfast with the twins and Lee the next morning. George was telling Lee about the prank yesterday and Fred was stuffing his face with his breakfast. 

"Fred, did you switch bodies with Ron overnight?" I asked him amused. 

"I'm just hungry. I didn't have dinner yesterday remember?" He said as he began to eat more calmly. 

"What did you two do to Percy that he is so upset about?" Charlie asked Fred and George as he slid in the seat next to me. I snickered at this. He thought the twins did it. 

"We didn't do anything!" George said enfasaizing the 'we'.

"Miss rainbow for eyes on the other hand..." Fred said with a smirk. Charlie watched us in confusion. 

"Did you just call me 'rainbow eyes'?" I asked Fred, my eyes turning light pink. His smirk just grew bigger.

"If the shoe fits." He said. I smacked his arm. 

"You?!" Charlie asked astonished. 

"Did you honestly think these two could've perform a freezing charm?" I asked him amused. 

"Oi!" Fred and George called at the same time. 

"A freezing charm?!" Charlie shrieked.

"You didn't know that part did you?" I asked Charlie, he shook his head. 

"Relax, nothing bad happened." George said. 

"Yeah it's not like she killed him or something." Fred added. 

"He can move and everything." I told him. 

"You three will be the death of me, I know it!" Charlie mumbled before walking away. The four of us looked at each other and laughed. 


"Are you telling me about the piece of parchment or what?" I asked the twins when we were outside in the grounds later that day. 

"Honestly, we don't really know." Fred shrugged. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"Yeah, we don't really know what it is. The parchment speaks." George chimed in.

"It speaks?" I asked dumbfounded. 

"Well it doesn't speak speak. But it's like there is someone there. It's giving us clues to open it." Fred told me. 

"Woah woah. Stop there. Let me see it." I told them. Fred gave me the parchment. I took out my wand. 

"Revelio." I said, pointing my wand to the piece of parchment. Suddenly words started forming on it. It read:

Mr. Prongs suggests Miss Rose to remember the secret password and wants her to know that he is proud of her.

Mr. Padfoot agrees with Mr. Prongs and also thinks Miss Rose would've been a great mini prongs.    

Mr. Moony suggest that Miss Rose solemnly swears that she's up to no good. 

Mr. Wormtail also suggest Miss Rose to manage her mischief. 

"That's even more vague than what we got." Fred said and sighed loudly. 

"No it's not." I whispered. I pointed my wand to the piece of parchment again and cleared my throat. 

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I said loud and clear. Instantly the parchment became a map of Hogwarts. 

"How did you know?" George asked me shocked. 

"I just did." I whispered again. Prongs? Moony? Padfoot? Wormtail? I knew those names. My uncles! That were their names! My dad! 

A silent tear slid down my cheek, but I wiped it of quickly. 

"It's my dad's" I whispered to myself, but the twins heard me. 

"What do you mean?" They both asked. 

"Prongs, Moony, Padfoot, and Wormtail. I knew this people. Whoever did this map, knew me when I was younger. Prongs is what my uncles used to call my dad. I remember because they used to call me 'Prongsilette'." 

"Are you sure?!" George asked me. 

"Positive." I answered. 

"Merlin! I love your dad!" Fred exclaimed and we all laughed. 

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora