Chapter 23

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"I hope you introduced yourself to your group. The first group activity is fighting. You will fight against everyone in your group who isn't the same kind as you. " Hayden wickedly smirked.

"By doing this, you will learn one another's weaknesses, and as a group you will be able to work together and be stronger than your opponent." Lucian adds.

"How about we make it more interesting? There is only one rule-don't kill each other. So, you can fight dirty. " As Alpha Kingston mentioned

"She won't be able to fight." Vidarr says as he picks Aurora up.

"If she can't fight, then why is she here?" Lucian asks.

"Vi, why can't I play with you?" Aurora asks.

"You are too young to fight Aurora and you can get hurt, and we don't want that." He says.

"She can say it at our day-care." Madam Elizabeth voiced.

"Come little Aurora. Aunt Lizzy and Vi are going to take you to play with other children at the castle." Madam Elizabeth says.

"Can Spot come with me?" Aurora asks.

"I don't see why not."

The three of them walked down the podium and started to walk back to the castle.

"Weapons will be available for use." Madam Elizabeth's second in command said.

Right after that more vampires appeared with weapon benches.

"Training starts now!" Alpha Kingston shouts.

The Saints of Light were the first to make a move. They sprinted to reach the weapons that were stacked behind us.

This won't be that bad. I mean, more than half of them were professionally trained hunters.

The Lycans and the werewolves shifted.

The sound of bones breaking filled the air. Some of them immediately started to fight with the vampires, witches, and warlocks.

"What are you standing for? Let's fight." Finnick asks me.

"Are we fighting?"


In an instant, Alpha Kingston and the twins shifted into their second forms.

I made a run for it and ran towards the leftover weapons. throwing knives, spiked knuckle busters, and an axe that is right next to a whip.

Putting on the knuckle busters- a perfect fit.

Putting the throwing knives in my back pocket, the whip in my left hand, and the axe in the other.

They jumped off the podium, and the twins slowly crept towards me in their other form.

I tighten my grip on the whip, getting ready to whip it toward the twins, only to be grabbed by one of them and pulled out of my hands.

I am standing here shocked at what just happened.

"Hm, fuck."

The twin on the left suddenly gets thrown away by Kingston, whose form is much bigger than the twins'.

The other twin started to growl at Kingston and jumped at him. only to be stopped in mid-air by Kingston, who grabbed him by the throat.

Kingston lets out a deafening roar and throws the twin into the ground with his grip still around its throat. He starts to tighten his grip; the twin tries to fight by scratching Kingston's arm and chest but loses as he passes out.

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