Chapter 17

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Camp Hope

It can't be that place, not there.

"Kai, I know you feel a bit emotional but-"

"Guys, it is happening everywhere." Vídarr gets interrupted by Nate.

Looking up from the floor to face Nate, who is pointing to the TV; videos are showing what is happening in the different cities across the world.

"Is that London?" Lou asks no one in particular.

"Yes, that is London, England- which turned back into the Ice Age. " Timber answered Lou's question. 

Looking at the television screen, the streets are covered in snow and ice. There are people walking around who are touching random objects and freezing them.

One guy stops freezing objects and turns around to directly face the camera.

"We are the Saints of Light." The guy says, with an extremely heavy British accent.

With a swift move of his hand, ice spikes shoot out from the ground towards the person holding the camera.

The camera flies through the air, landing on its side, showing a body lying in front of the camera the person was impaled by the ice spikes.

What the fuck?

The video cuts to black and reappears, but in a different place.


The Australian news reporter is talking about what is happening in Sydney.

"People are being attacked by the same animals they used to call their pets..."

The screen turns to a reporter in a helicopter.

"Nobody knows what is going on! Wild animals managed to escape from the zoo. As you can see, it is a complete warzone on the streets. People are getting attacked by dogs and escaped zoo animals."

The reporter says, clinging onto the seatbelt of the helicopter.

Hearing a cracking noise, birds flew into the helicopter attacking them.

The reporter screams for her life. She lets go of the belt, trying to protect her face from the birds. 

The helicopter took a sharp left, sending the reporter out the door, falling to her death.

"We're going to crash!" The pilot screams before the helicopter crashes into a building and explodes.

The camera flies out the door and falls to the ground, which cracks the screen.

A lion came into view, its face covered in blood.

The camera gets picked up, revealing a teenage girl.

"We are taking back what rightfully belongs to us." She says

"Guys, check this one out." Sitara says who turned her laptop around for us to see.

There are people floating in the sky above the Golden Gate Bridge while sirens started to go off.

"What are those sirens for- what are they warning people of?" Nate asks.

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