Chapter 11

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I smell waffles, opening my eyes. I remember everything that happened last night.

Glancing over to the window on the other side of the room, the sun is shining. Getting up from the bed, I look around the room. Where is everybody?

As I walk out the door and down the stairs, I hear chattering outside; opening the door next to what looks like a 3D printer

Who are these people?

Looking outside shows everybody sitting at picnic tables, eating and talking to each other. They all look relaxed, like they didn't even escape from a bunker.

"Finally, you're here, Kai. Here is your breakfast. " June says, handing me a plate with waffles and some bacon.

"Thank you, this looks amazing!" I thank June as I take the plate with the food on it.

I can't remember the last time I ate something.

When was the last time I ate?

Sitting next to June on one of the picnic tables. I started to eat my breakfast.

This tasted like heaven.

Munching away and minding my own business, Vídarr came and sat at the other side of the table, and Sitara joined him.

"I didn't know demons ate food." I say this while looking down at his plate that is topped with food.

"We do eat things other than souls, you know." He replies with an annoyed look on his face.

Looking at him, I was astounded.

"Just messing with you. We don't eat, but I like human food. It's strange and delicious. " Vídarr says, looking at the food on his fork and admiring it.

"So, what's the plan for today?" Sitara inquires.

"Why are you asking me?" Replying to her, how would I know what to do?

"Because you're the leader." She says this with a duh tone.

"Why me? I thought Vídarr was the leader." I say, causing Vídarr to choke on his food.

"Why would you think that?" he asks after finishing choking.

"Uh, you're a hybrid. You are half Soldier of Nature and half Emperor Demon, and you are also the oldest here." I finish.

"There can only be one, and that's you. Why, you're the last true soldier of nature. And I can't be one because I'm part Shadow Creature. " He says, taking a sip of his orange juice.

"So let's ask again. What is the plan for the day? " Sitara asks again.

Saying the first thing that came to mind.

"How about we see what everybody can do? I mean, they were down there for a reason." I say

"That's actually a great idea." June is the one talking this time.

"Not a leader, my ass." Vídarr mumbles.

"Ok, we can do that after everybody finishes their breakfast." Sitara says.

It sounds like a great plan.

Looking around the courtyard

Everyone looks so happy; I counted 92 people and not 93.

Where is that kid, Nate?

"Have any of you seen Nate?" I asked everyone at the table.

"Uh, are you talking about that kid with those snow-like eyes?" "That one with the black hair." Vídarr answers.

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