Chapter 21

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"What a cozy place you have here." Madam Elizabeth comments as she looks around the garage.

"An old factory, interesting. To be honest I expected more." Alpha Kingston mumbles.

Looking back to everyone who came, I notice that the Savage Twins are standing there awkwardly muttering a few things to each other.

"So where are the rest of the Saints of Light? I would really like to meet them." Danny asks holding her husband's hand.

Looking at Sitara who quickly catches on to what I mean.

"Please follow me." She says as she leads everybody down the hallway back to the assembly hall.

Walking down the hallway with the others right behind us, eventually reach the door. Opening it, I see June and the rest with all the kids.

"Everyone, these people are our new friends." Vídarr announced to them.

"They're so adorable I can eat them all up!" Madam Elizabeth squalls.

"Dunbree Traitors." The Savage Twins says.

"Savage Sluts." The Dunbree Twins says.

"You must be kidding. Your 'army' is a bunch of fucking kids!" Kingston yells.

Turning to the kids, Aurora comes forward with an angry look on her face.

Cole and I start to get our guests to move away from her while Alpha Kingston still rambles about how angry he is about the fact that they're all kids.

Aurora stop in front of him and points at him.

"Mister you said a really bad word."

"And what the fuck are you going to do abo-"

Alpha Kingston gets cut off by Aurora's sonic scream which sends him flying against the wall.

"That's what you get for saying a bad word." Aurora says and turns around to walk back to the group.

Looking back at Alpha Kingston who is busy picking himself off the ground when I notice blood has covered his entire face and he puts a hand on the side of his head.

"Let me help you Sir." Faith walks towards him.

She is one of the seven who are normal humans.

"What?" He mutters as he struggles to maintain his balance.

Faith stops in front of him and places her hand on his shoulder. She then closes her eyes and soon after something odd happens.

Her hand starts to glow a bright yellow colour, she is healing him. Observing Alpha Kingston's face, all the blood stops dripping and starts so move back up to the wound.

Soon after all the blood are gone and the wound is closed. Faith takes off her hand and opens her eyes.

"There you go, all better." She says and walks away.

Alpha Kingston on the other hand, looks at her like creature that came back from extinction.

"You have Healers." Danny says from behind.

Turning around to look at her, she looks amazed.

"Apparently we do." I say.

"What else?" This time it was her husband talking.

"Well Mr. Williams where do you want to begin."

"Timothee why don't you show them what you can do."

He came forward with a grin on his face and pulled his shirt over his head.

"Yummy." Madam Elizabeth mutters.

This lady is weird.

He moves his shoulders a little and his wings pops out, showing off his colourful wings.

I turn to our guests.

"Some of them can bend the element while others have telekinesis or generate force fields and teleportation. That's just a few things on the list." I say.

"And then there is everybody else who can do things we don't know about." Sitara adds.

"Why don't you know what they can do?" Lucian asks.

"Well, they're not here, they're all over the Earth." She answers.

"We shall start training immediately if we want to win." Madam Elizabeth says as she glances over to everybody.

"Yes, you are correct. All off us must train together to better on chances." Hayden says.

"I hate to admit it but you're right." Vídarr growls.

"How about we train at my coven grouds. I have the space and the best weapons money can buy." Madam Elizabeth informed.

"Okay so it is settled we will go to my coven for training. Come on lets move." She says ready to leave.

Everybody leaves through the exit which will lead back to the garage.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I stop and turned around to look who it is.
Axel, he is one of the kids who can read minds.

"Kai there is something I need to tell you." He warns.


"I know its wrong but I read everybody's minds earlier and there is something bothering me. They are all on the same page except those two, the Savage Twins."

"What do they want?"

"They don't care about anything they one something else, you."


"Yes, for power." Axel finishes.

"And they were speaking to each other telepathically, speaking abut which ones here would be the easiest to kill." Axel finishes as he glares at the Savage Twins.

Great, now I have to keep a closer eye on them.

"Come on lets catch up with the others." I say as I drag Axel with me to the others.

By the time we reached everybody, they were all in the garage.

I looked for Vídarr who was standing at the back with Aurora placed on his hip.

With a snap of his fingers a large Portal opens right behind him.

Madam Elizabeth strides towards him and turns to us.

"Alright everyone, Vídarr will be opening a portal which would take us to my coven." Madam Elizabeth voices.

"And from there on we'll start with our training." Vídarr says.

One by one everyone walks through the portal.

I turn around to make sure that that was everyone.

Suddenly one of the windows breaks as something flies through it, pieces of broken glass is everywhere. Looking to what flew through the window.

The object lies in the middle of the garage I look closer to inspect it.
Looking closer to it, I see writing on and next to the writing is the Hunter emblem. Slowly I nudge it with my foot. Seeing what it spells.

Smoke Grenade.

"Run!" I shout as I run to the portal, everybody already went through.

Right before the portal I trip over my feet sending me flying in the portal just as the grenade activated.

The second I came out the other side Vídarr closes the portal and lends me a hand to pull me off the ground.

That was really close.



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