Chapter 32

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Third POV


As the Hunters were busy loading up the last of the Soldiers of Nature in their vehicles.

One of them stopped and turned around.

The man could've sworn that he heard a female's voice.

Eventually one of the Hunters saw this man's action and punched him in the gut.

"Get moving!" He shouted at the man who was on the ground groaning.

"If you let them go, I won't hurt you."

The Hunter was quick to react and pulled out his gun and pointed it to the direction of the voice.

To his surprise, there was two woman standing in front of a portal. The one on the left turned around and jumped in the portal and soon after it disappeared.

Leaving one behind.

"I will not ask again, let them go." She demanded while still using a soft tone.

The Hunter in return aimed at her ready to shoot.

"I did warn you." She said and pointed towards his feet.

Vines started to grow around his leg without him noticing it.

When he looked down as to where she was pointed the vine immediately tightened its grip and with a swift move it threw him in the air.

She walked closer to the other Hunters, they came closer to her.

She stopped and blew at them and little did they know the air she blew was filled with spores.

And when they inhaled those spores their noses started to bleed and soon after they began to caught up blood.

Then they collapsed onto the ground...dead.

She turned and walked towards the Soldier of Nature and with one touch to the collar, it flew off.

She sticks out her hand for him to take, he takes it and she said.

"I like what you guys did with the place."

She smiled and looked around at the jungle.


In the middle of Central Park there opened a portal.

More specifically there opened one in the middle of Turtle Pond.

The same woman came through but fell into the water.

After getting out, she looked up at the cloudy sky and started to talk to it?

"Aren't you supposed to help!"


"Oh yeah I forgot you are just an old ma-" Before she could completely finish a lightning bulb was thrown at her from the clouds.

"Ha! You missed no wonder you can't keep a girlfriend." She laughs at her own joke.

With that the sky started to get darker and thunder started to happen.

"Oh shut up and let me do my job Zeus, or should I say Howard?"

Brigid ignores the rest and focuses on the sky, she manages to open a portal but it is higher than the clouds so you couldn't see anything.

Seconds after opening them the only thing you could hear was the ringing of church bells.

Out of nowhere hooks were shot down, one of them barely missed Brigid.

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