Chapter 12

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Slowly recovering from my head almost exploding.

I look up at Aurora who is hugging her teddy bear and smiling, as if she is proud of herself.

Looking back at Timber I see that he is trying to stand up and rubbing his head, dumbass wanted to be rude.

"Timber, you okay?" Sitara asks him, chuckling afterwards.

"WHAT?" Timber shouts.

"Are you okay?" She shouts in return.

"WHAT?" He shouts again.

"Fuck it, the motherfucker wanted to be an asshole and he got what he deserved." Sitara mumbles as she turns away from him.

"Who's next?" Vídarr asks before picking Aurora up and placing her on his hip.


Wait, I hope he isn't one of those dem-

"I am not that type of Demon, I don't feed off children's souls." Vídarr says glaring at me.

"I'll go." Turning my head away from Vídarr only to reveal it was June who spoke.

"I'm June and I uhh..." She pauses after hearing a cooing noise.

Looking up to where the noise is coming from, seeing that it is a pigeon who is on the edge of the gap in the roof.

June sticks out her arm and after a while the pigeon flew down from the gap and lands on her hand, bringing her hand closer to her face she...whispers something to it.

After she finished whispering the pigeon flew away and out the gap it came through.

"Just wait." June says Looking at the hole in the roof.

A few minutes later the same pigeon came back with an entire flock of pigeons and all land on the ground next to June and the same pigeon lands and sits on her shoulder.

"I guess you can call me the Animal Whisperer." She says laughing at her own joke.

"Who wants to be next." I ask the group causing all of them to stick up their hands.

"You at the back." I pick the tall guy at the back.

Coming forth, he takes off his shirt. He turns around showing his back, there are two lines on his back and both are covered in blue and red feathers.

What the fuck.

He turns around and says.

"My name is Timotheus and I can do this." He says with a thick French accent.

Seeing both his shoulders a little moving forward and wings pops out from his back.

It startled all of the pigeons causing them to flutter and fly away out the gap in the roof.

Both the wings are about three meters long.

They're covered in red and blue and a bit of green feathers. They look just like Macaw wings, the marginal coverts of the wings are deep red, the primary coverts are moss-like green and the primary feathers are the bluest of blue I have ever saw.

They're beautiful.

"Amazing, I know right." Timotheus smirks.

Turning my head to face June who is already looking at me.

"French." Both of us say at the same time.

With a swift move the wings are gone and he puts his shirt back on and walks away to where June the other is standing.

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