Chapter 4

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The Demon Twins.

It was said that their father was a pure blood Lycan.

They're bigger, stronger and more aggressive and way harder to kill then werewolves since they can shift into a wolf and into a more human looking wolf with legs, arms and hands.

The same thing with their mother, pure blood Lycan with a bad temper. She slaughtered others for sport, it didn't matter whether or not if they were the same species or if they were children.

Their father Xavier Savage, killed his own mate because she was just a human girl.

And she just graduated high school.

Xenia Savage, rejected her true mate who was the eldest of Alpha Kingston's children and decided to mate with the second eldest.

After that, Grayson Kingston who was Xenia's true mate kicked her out of the pack and tortured his brother, not only for his mate but also some other family drama they had.

After being kicked out of the pack she got power hungry and killed half of Lavender Cove's rogue population. That's when she met Xavier, he saw her as the perfect mate and decided to marry her.

Everything went further down hill when they found out that they were expecting twins.

After the twins were born that was when the experiments started, it was said that the parents injected Demon blood and Vampire venom in the babies to create the ultimate weapons.

As the years went by the twins grew up and the parents abused them because they didn't give  any results back after the experiments. They would even kick the kids and throw them in the basement for days without any food or water.

This went on until the two boys finally snapped.

One night the one twin was woken up by his father who had a knife in his hand because the father wanted to see these twins had hearts.

That was the last straw, the two little boys went berserk, killing their father and mother.

The next day, the twins took the role of Alphas of the Savage Pack. That same day they killed their father's Beta and Gamma.

Now the entire Werewolf and Lycan population live in fear of these twins.

I should really start paying more attention in class when it comes to Shadow Creatures. I could've avoided this whole mess but no I just had to fall asleep in Mrs. Honey's class.

"Judging by that look on your face you finally realized the truth about us." Hayden say looking down to his hands on the desk.

"Why?" I ask barely hearing myself.

"Cause they wanted to see the world burn, and they didn't what will happen to their children." Lucian mutters, sounding so sad and hurt.

I shouldn't feel sorry but I can't help but pity them. Nobody deserves a childhood like theirs no matter who or what they are.

"Why me? Why not ask a witch to help you?" Off all the people on this planet why me?

"You're our-"

"Sup bitches!" Someone shouts, cutting Hayden off.

Looking behind me to see who barged in, showing more twins .

Great more twins.

"Kai, these are the witches who helped with the locator spell. Mickey and Lou Dunbree." Lucian says while standing up from his chair.

"Damn, who this hottie?" The one in a pink hoodie said.

"Mickey leave him alone." Lou said who was in a blue hoodie.

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