Chapter 3

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"Why, you're a Soldier of Nature."

I can literally feel the color of my skin draining away. 

People would say a ghost got sunburnt if it was compared to me. That's how pale I looked.

A Soldier of Nature.

Is that why I can see things others can't and why I could do that thing with the dround?

That's why I can see my parents and Shadow in the... spirit world.

How am I one if they go extinct?

But how did they find out that I was one?

"What are you talking about?" Soldiers of Nature is just a fairy tale people tell their children.

 "Looks like it worked on the two of you. " I say, trying to sound confident.

"You know that the truth

"Kai! The wolves are gone! Where are you? " That sounded like Nash shouting.

"Hey Ilaria, if Kai is dead, can I get his gaming PC?" That dumbass asks

"Dude, you cannot get his PC... because I'm taking it." And here I thought we were friends.



I turned around to see both Ilaria and Nash standing there. How am I going to explain this one?

"What's going on?" Ilaria asks, slowly moving her hand to behind her, probably reaching for her gun or knife.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you. Before you can pull your gun out, I've ripped your dear little Kai's throat out with my bare teeth. " The creepy twin on the left said showing his canines.

"Don't do it, Ilaria. I'm not worth saving." I said, turning my back to them and looking at the twins.

"I have a question." Fuck, we're dead.

The twins fixed their view on Nash.

"Why are you naked?" No, that's not what I wanted to ask. Is it true that twins can read each other's minds? " Nash corrected himself.

It is official, we're dead.

I don't know which is funnier, me dying because of Nash or the confused looks on the twins' faces. 

"Well, since the two of you are busy figuring out what to say, my friends and I are going to... RUN!" I grabbed both Ilaria and Nash's wrists and started running down the hall away from the Lycans. I ran

down the hall and all the way down the stairs, finally reaching the 1st floor.

"Wait! We're begging you to please wait! " One of the twins shouted, almost like they were begging us to wait.

"Stop!" That voice shouted.

We ran to the main entrance of the school and burst through the doors.

"Hmph." That was the only thing we managed to say as we tripped, tumbling down the stairs.

"Ow. I think I fell onto my gun. " Ilaria says as she's trying to get up.

"Uh, guys." Nash says, nervously.

"Nash, what's wrong?" I ask, clearly not liking the sound of his tone. I'm looking

at Nash, whose back is against the stairs and pointing at something behind me. I turn

my head so that I can see where Nash is pointing. "It's

official. We're fucking dead." This time it's Ilaria talking.

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