Chapter 6

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I'm cold.

I opened my eyes, only showing the beautiful blue sky with a few clouds.

Why is my back hurting? I turn my head only to see I'm laying on the gravel of a rooftop, noticing that the railings of the roof are old and rusty.

That's a safety hazard. I stood up, cracking my back and dusting the dirt off my pants.

"It is good to see you're finally awake." I know that voice, turning around.

"Demon, what are you doing here?" Asking while taking a step back.

"Be careful. I don't want you to tumble off that railing and fall to your death." The Demon expresses concern.

"I didn't know that you could talk and move your mouth at the same time." I said, making him grin.

"My name is Vídarr." He says, sticking his hand out for me to shake it.

"That's Old Norse." I replied, shaking his hand.

Vídarr looks at me with a surprised look on his face.

"I want to show you something. Come." Vídarr said gesturing at me to follow him.

I followed him all the way to the other side of the rooftop, where we came to a halt in front of the rusted railing.

"We're in New York. I always wanted to come here." I practically screamed with excitement.

"Look closer." Vidarr replies, sounding sad.

Leaning over the railing and looking closer, he realizes one thing.

It's all gone.

There were empty cars scattered on the road, but no one on the streets. Some of the buildings and cars are covered in vegetation.

It looks so empty.

Some buildings are missing patches, while others are leaning on other buildings.

"How?" was the only thing I managed to say. 

"Humans- they continued to act carelessly, resulting in their own extinction. A part of Manhattan is underwater since it is an island. 

All the drilling for fossil oil in Japan caused Mt. Fuji to erupt. Sinking Japan in the Pacific Ocean. " The Demon pauses, then continues.

"Some animals develop a poison in their system, so if someone were to eat that meat or drink the milk of that animal, that person dies within a week.

While other animals started to act like humans and kill them, wild animals would break out of the zoo and go on killing sprees. " Vidarr stops and turns his head to face me.

"And lastly, humans blew themselves off the face of the earth with atomic bombs, and those explosions caused earthquakes." He finishes.

I can feel sadness sweeping over me.

Everything is gone.

Everyone is gone.

"You're part of the Saints of Light, aren't you?" I asked him.

"Yes, and that's why I'm here. With your help, we can take back what is rightfully ours and prevent all of this. " Vidarr says, determined. 

"But you're a demon. How can you be part of the Saints of Light if you are not even a creature of light? " I ask suspiciously, taking a step back.

"My sire was a Demon and my mother was a Soldier of Nature, but died during child birth." Vidarr replies.

"How old are you?" asking, hoping to find more things out.

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