Chapter 1

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Opening my eyes, I groan.

Closing them immediately due to the brightness of the sun, why must it be so bright? Adjusting to the brightness of the sun I can finally look where I am. It does seem that I am on a beach?

Now that's the first, I always wake up in the middle of a meadow.

Looking at the ocean waves that are so calm and peaceful.

A perfect day to go to the beach.


Something is moving behind me and moving fast. I turn around only to be met with a tropical forest.

The rustling leaves only mean it is running towards something...or away from something.

Maybe I should go in and look. But that will only result in my quick death.

Speaking of Death, where are all of the spirits?

The only smart thing to do right now is to run. I guess now is my chance to finally get some exercise in.

Now I understand what Ilaria meant by me easily getting distracted. It is not my fault, it's a medical problem.

Hearing a howl, that isn't the howl of a normal wolf or a werewolf which only means...

"Humph." That was all I managed to get out when I got tackled to the ground.

"SHADOW! Get your fat ass off of me you overgrown chihuahua." Shouting at this dumb forest spirit sitting on me.

The only thing I get in return is a growl. He really is a stubborn spirit.

"He is just angry that you didn't visit yesterday." Said a familiar voice behind Shadow.

"Mom!" I said using all of my strength to push the dog off.

Running to her, I immediately realized that she had the same clothes on just like that day.

Engulfing my mom in a bear hug.

"I missed you so much mom, I'm sorry that I didn't visit yesterday because I was too busy with all the school work," mumbling into her beautiful brown hair.

"I understand Peanut, you have your own life now and it's up to you what you want to do with that." She said while patting my head like she used to do when I was younger.

"Where's Dad?" I question looking behind my mother with a concerned look on my face.

"He went for a walk, always leaving me to do all the hard work," she said with her hands on her hips and mumbled the last part.

She then changed her demeanor and had a serious look on her face.

"You are here for a reason Kai, and that reason is to warn you about a war coming. And it's a big one bigger than the last one. But you're going to need help from the Shadow--"


Jolting up from my bed, I look at Ilaria who is standing at the bedroom door. Sometimes I just want to throw this damn blonde through a window.

"We're gonna be late for school again dumb ass!" Ilaria yelled while brushing her hair.

"Ag, fok jou Ilaria." I said standing up from my bed.

"The fuck did you just say to me, Kai?" Ilaria asks a question while pointing her hairbrush directly at my face.

"I j-just said that I-I love you Ilaria." It is really hard trying not to stutter when a Russian is threatening you with a hairbrush, especially this Russian.

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