Chapter 2

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This headache is killing me.


I forgot to take those pills that Dr Wu gave me again, that's why my head is killing me.

Soon after my thoughts drifted back to reality.

Ilaria even turn the music down. And the first time in my life I don't like the silence, even Nash is quite.

She's right, they're my only friends and I treat them like shit? I mean Ilaria knows a few things me, but onIy a little bit. If I were to tell Nash that I can see ghosts and spirits, he'll just ask me if I can share the drugs I'm using.

Fucking idiot.

Looking out the passenger window, it is such a beautiful spring day the flowers in bloom and the birds chirping.

Something's off, where are all of the spirits?

"ⱧɆⱠ₱ Ʉ₴!"

What was that?

Glancing back at Ilaria and Nash, I notice they're not phased by that voice. Meaning it's a spirit.

Looking out of the passenger window again and at the woods, they're usually out by this time...the spirits.

"₮ⱧɆɎ ĐɆ₴₮ⱤØɎɆĐ ł₮!" That voice said in a devastated manner.

Something is clearly wrong.

After passing the woods we finally reached our school.

Articon Academy, the best art school in the country. It was built by Hunters for Hunters, The Seven Clans to be exact.

Each of us are apart of a clan:

Ilaria, being in the Serebryanyy Clan and most Russian are a part of them. Stereotypically, Russians are known for their brutality and their physical strength. Well in this case they are.

Nash's real name is Gnashton Argento. The Argento Clan, they are sadly not known for their food but for their knowledge about brewing of poisons. They rule the entire Europe along with Holzpfahl Clan and the Clan de la balle d'argent.

Holzpfahl Clan, is the best to be in if you want to be a gunsmith or a armourer.

And then there are the snobs themselves, Clan de la balle d'argen. They think they're the best just because they invented the first crossbow back in the 5th century and for that they are treated like royalty. But the only thing they're at is fucking with you mentally.

Both the Argenti Clan and the Yìn Clan are the most intelligent clans because of the Latin's knowledge of herbs and spice in making of antidotes and medicine. Cyber Technology and hacking is what the Yìn Clan are known for.

The Yìn Clan rule over Asia, well parts of it and the Argenti Clan rule South America and Mexico.

And finally me, Malakai Flynn Silwer. I'm part of the Silwer Clan that rules over Africa, Arabia and a part of America. We are good at Geography, it was said that the first hunter who started this clan could bend all four the elements.

The funny thing is that the clans say they rule the world.

In fact, normal humans don't know we exist much less the shadow creatures. We hide in plain site sure some clan members are kings and queens, presidents, chief of police, doctors, teachers or even five-star generals in the army, and some even Michelin Chefs.

The other thing that I notice is that if you translate each and all of the clan's names it will translate to either Silver or Wooden Stake.

Maybe, maybe if I wasn't blood-related to the first Hunter. My parents would still be alive.

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