Chapter 19

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I don't feel anything, no pain and no sadness.


Feeling a light breeze, I slowly open my eyes and blinking a few times so my eyes can focus on what's in front of me.

Staring straight up seeing I'm laying under a tree. Turning my head to my side only to be met with a valley that is full of colorful flowers.

From Roses all the way to Daisies in the Valley. Each and every flower one can think of is here.

A few meters away of me, bees are collecting pollen from the Lavender. Everything here is so beautiful.

I feel so happy here, which something I haven't felt in a long time.

Looking up at the sky only to gasp. You can see the Northern Lights and it is still daytime.

Where am I?

Something is restless behind me, slowly turning around. Something is hiding behind the flowers, the movement finally stopped. Whatever it is, it is not happy.

"Humph." Is all I let out as I'm begin tackled to the ground.

"Shadow!" I scream at the spirit sitting on top of me wagging its tail.

In return he barks and keeps on wagging his tail.

"Shadow can you please get off me, you are crushing my ribcage." Politely asking the spirit.

With a growl he jumps off with his tail still wagging.

Standing up I pet him.


Turning around facing him.

"Dad." I say in a monotone.

"It's good to see you again son." He says standing awkwardly in front of me.

We never had any kind of connection. He always wanted me to be in sports but I not one for sports. I would rather read or paint something.

He always told me that art will never bring me anywhere in life.

The only thing we have in common with each other is our blood, nothing else really- well maybe our love for food.

"Lets go for a walk." He asks with his hands in his pockets.

Following him, we walk beside one another down the valley.

After a few minutes I break the silent between us.

"Am I dead?" I ask him.

He stops and looks at me.

"Yes." Is all he says and continues to walk.

"I can't be dead, I-I just can't be." I say in shock.

Looking up from the ground I quicken my paste to catch up to him. Straight ahead of us there lays big rocks with carvings on them. Walking closer to them to inspect the carvings.

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