Chapter 22

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"What was that?" Vidarr asks.

"A smoke grenade from the Hunters." I replied, trying to catch my breath.

"Here," Vidarr says, as he hands my book to me.

"Thank you so much."

"Come, it's time to meet my people so we can start training." Madam Elizabeth says as she turns to walk away with her guards following behind her.

Looking at the direction Madam Elizabeth is walking in, only to be mind-blown by the site in front of me.

A castle.

This must be the castle which inspired Disney. It has the same colour roof, which is a teal-like blue, and walls built out of cobblestone. Shadows fall upon the grass as the sun glares down the thick cobblestone walls and the spiked shadows of the portcullis appear like the sharp fangs vampires have.

Following Madam Elizabeth on the grinding gravel road that runs straight through the gate into the court yard, and after entering the court yard we came to a stop.

Looking around, the court yard has cobblestone pillars overgrown with roses.

Except those weren't ordinary roses, these were Grimm Roses. They are beautiful but deadly roses.

Their pollen can be used for different reasons, such as dyes, medicine, spices, and food; similarly to saffron in a way, but the dangerous part of them is that they strive on human blood and not water.

If it isn't given fresh blood for a really long time, they can use their vines that are covered in thousands of little needles to snatch anything with a heartbeat. killing it as it squeezes the life out of it.

Only one colour can be found of the Grimm Rose, a gruesome red colour with black tips on the petals of the rose.

June walks closer to me with a nervous look on her face.

"Kai, do you also get the feeling that we're being watched?"

"You're just paranoid, June."

I quickly scan our new environment.

There are vampires sitting on horses, and others are 'watering' the roses. And they are all staring at us.

"You still think I'm paranoid?" June asked to give me a look.

"Nope, just weird." "I say with a smile."
In return, June only rolls her eyes.

We walk through the main gate that is placed between two gatehouses.

You can feel eyes on you everywhere you go. When you reach the courtyard, there are vampires standing everywhere- looking at us.

Even all the guards with body armour are glaring at us.

In the middle of the yard lies a big fountain with a golden statue of Madam Elizabeth on it.

She uses her superspeed and stops at the top of the staircase that leads into the castle.

"Vampires of the Grimm Rose Coven, today I have brought special guests." But we have to help them fight a war, a war our ancestors started for fun, which caused the extinction of theirs.

And helping them win this war is the least we can do after what our own kind did to them. " Madam Elizabeth announced it.

"If you do not wish to fight this war, then leave." She says

After a quiet pause, nobody objected.

"Oh, silly me, I forgot family never leaves family." Madam Elizabeth starts to chuckle.

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