Chapter 29

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The wind rushed past me as I reached the top of the hill.

If you listen closer, you can hear all the whispers the wind carries with it, but if you listen even closer, you could hear their heart beats.

Finally reaching the top, the scenery reveals a massive opening in the middle of this dense forest.

And there they were.

The Hunters and their "allies" were standing at one end of the opening. 

Cars, trucks, tanks, and helicopters hover in the air. The wolves weren't even wearing any armour, and neither were the vampires or the witches.

"Where is your pathetic little army?" Mr. Argento yelled.

"I don't have one." I replied to that old fart.

In return, laughter burst out of them.

"I have something stronger, a family." 

That... that felt right to say it.

And on cue, everybody showed up.

Vídarr, Sitara on my left, June and Nash on my right, with the rest of The Saints of Light behind us.

"If you want to leave and not fight in this war, then leave." Vídarr shouted for them to clearly hear him.

About fifteen left, running away from this and into the woods, probably to their families.

I turned my head to Christine, our newest member, who literally joined us, as we entered the forest. 

Looking at her, I nod my head.

The expression on her face was priceless; she was so excited and more than ready for this.

She walked past us and ran down the hill straight towards the enemy.

"Fuck yeah, bitches!" She screams in laughter.

Being confused, the hunters didn't understand what was happening. The hunter that stood next to Mr. Argento loaded his gun and aimed at Christine.

Still laughing, Christine leaps into the air and uses her power. She grew in size until she was as big as a two-story house.

The Hunter was too stunned at what was happening to notice that she was going to land on him.

She lands on the ground and kills the hunter as she steps on him. 

She continues to run straight through them, occasionally kicking them like balls, which sends them flying in different directions.

She stops in the middle of their army, two tanks aimed at her.

"Buzzinga!" She screamed and shrank back to her normal size, and the two tanks fired and missed her as she shrank back to her normal size.

The missiles flew straight at the helicopter.

Turning to Vídarr

"Do it now."

He turns around, and with the help of Nicky and Phoebe, they open three portals up in the sky.

After that, Vídarr changes into his original form and lets out a roar, signalling Azriel.

Dragons and Wyvems emergees from the portals, swaying through the sky.


And it began.

They are running towards us, and we are running towards them.

"Now Dunbree!" I scream as we get closer.

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