Meeting Michele's Partner. (Final Chapter)

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Charlotte's POV

"Michele if we are meeting him tonight don't you think it's best to tell Austin now?" I question carefully. She looked down at the kitchen counter.

"I guess your right." She whispers looking up at me.

"There are my two, out of three, favourite girls in my life." Austin says walking into the kitchen and standing behind me.

"Austin can we talk?" Mama says looking over at me. That's my cue to leave so I place a kiss on Austin's cheek and go into the living room.

"Payton baby." I say while kissing him all over his face.

"Ew mama." He says laughing. I carry on. "Nooo!" He says laughing even more. I stop and look at him calm down but he carries on giggling.

"I love you Payton." I say kissing his head one last time.

"I wuv ou too." He says standing up on the couch to wrap his arms around my neck.

"Shall we go and check on your brother and sister?" I ask him once he pulls away and he nods his head. 

He jumps down off the couch and runs up the stairs. "I'm gonna get you." I say running after him. Payton gets to the twins room and sits down on the floor next to Emilia's crib.

"You wanna hold your baby sister?" I ask him picking Emilia up. He nods his head fiercely. I place Emilia on his knee and he smiles widely.

I pick Jasper up out of his crib and it's the first time he's been awake this morning, so far. I gently kiss his forehead and smile at him.

Jasper looks like a double of Austin. Brown curly hair, hazel eyes, dark eye lashes and those pink plump lips. Emilia looks more like me but has Austin's little nose.

"Pay. Should we take them down stairs?" I ask Payton as his stares at his baby sister. He's going to be one protective older brother, especially when she gets a boyfriend. I can tell.

I pick Emilia up and hold them both to my chest and Payton runs down stairs. I chuckle at him as he has so much energy, just like Austin.

I slowly make my way down stairs and find Payton in Austin's arms and them both laughing. I smile at the two boys.

"Hey there beautiful." Austin says taking Emilia from my arms and sitting next to Payton on the couch.

Payton moved closer to Austin to look at his baby sister. I sneakly get my phone out of my bra. And take a picture of them.

I post it on Instagram. "They're both going to be extremely protective of her.❤"

I got thousands of likes and hundred of comments almost instantly. I was scrolling through the comments quickly and one catches my eyes.

"You two have done well for yourselves, even though what I did was wrong." I read this over and over again wondering who it was.

When I went on the account I was shocked to see who it was. My mom.

I ignored it and joined Payton, Austin and Emilia on the couch with Jasper in my arms. I looked over at Austin and he looked over at me and we smile towards each other. Payton sat down in the middle, with Jasper on my knee and Emilia on Austin's knee.

Me and Austin must of stared at each other for at least 2 minutes straight. Until both our phones went off at the same time.

I grab my phone and look at why it went off. Mama had take a picture is us like that and with a heart eye emoji as the caption. I smiled at it because it looks as if it had been taken by a professional photographer.

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