Boy or Girl?

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••Austin POV••

Today me and Lottie are going for her scan and we are going to ask what we are going to have.

"Ameezy you ready?" Lottie shouts from the kitchen. Even too this day she still calls me Ameezy, but she's the only one that calls me Ameezy.

"Yeah I'm ready. Coming now beautiful." I say while walking out of the bathroom. Lottie's belly seems to be getting a little bit bigger each day and I can't wait for baby Mahone to arrive. Only five more months.

I grabbed my keys of the counter. Me and Lottie are now on our way to the hospital.

"So if it's a boy what would you call him?" Lottie asks me while intertwining our fingers and slowly rubbing her thumb across my knuckles.

"Erm. I like name Payton Jai Mahone. What about you?" I ask while stopping at the lights.

"Er. I like that name too. I'm not sure. What about girls name?" She questions. I start to drive again. I sit there and think.

"I quite like the name Francesca Mai Mahone. It's cute." I say while pulling into a space in the hospital parking lot. Lottie nodded in agreement.

"Yes it is cute." She says.

We walk into the hospital and wait. The appointment is already sorted, as Lottie's called in before she left to go dress shopping yesterday.

We weren't even sat there for five minutes when we got called in.

"Brytus." The doctor called. We got up and followed the doctor to her room.

Lottie sat down on the bed. "So do you want the scan and the sex of the baby?" The doctor asks.

"Yes please." Lottie replies. "Ok lift your shirt up please" so Lottie lifted her shirt up and the doctor put this gel on her belly.

I stood next to Lottie holding her hand and resting my other arm above her head. "Well there's the little baby." The doctor says and I look at the screen and see our beautiful baby on the screen.

"If you're both wondering, it's a little boy." The doctor says, while I stared at the screen just watching our baby inside Lottie stomach.

I smiled wide. "We're having a boy." I say while looking down at Lottie. "Little Payton Jai Mahone" I whisper and place a soft kiss on Lottie's head. "Little Payton Jai Mahone!" Lottie whispers.

"Would you two like pictures?" The lady asked. I looked at Lottie and smiled. "Yes please. Could we have seven?" I replied and Lottie looked at me strangely.

"Sure" the doctor said and took the pictures of little Payton. She gave them to us and then we left the hospital.

I couldn't help but smile so much. It's just amazing to see our little baby healthy. "Why so smiley?" Lottie asks breaking me away from my thoughts.

"It's just the fact that I saw our little baby boy. I love it every time we go to your scan." I say while placing my hand against her stomach.

Once we arrived back at the condo me and Lottie sat on the couch. I had my back against the arm of the couch and Lottie was lay against me with her back against my chest in between my legs.

Lottie suddenly grabs my hand and places them on her stomach. "He just kicked." I say in excitement. "And again".

"You really can't wait can you?" Lottie spoke softly while looking up at me, with a smile present upon her lips.

"No I can't." I say truthfully while having a smile upon my lips and looking down at Lottie. "I'm going to be the best dad I can ever be." Lottie smiles even wider, if that's possible, at me.

We just sat there staring at each other smiling. Until someone's camera went off, so we both turned our heads to see everyone stood in the living room. "Hi?" I said well more questioned.

We got chorus of hi's back. "So did you find out what your having?" Dave asks. Me and Lottie both nod.

"Well what are you guys having?" Robert questions impatiently. Lottie smiled at me.

"We're having a little boy!" I say proudly. The guys cheered. "Yes another boy in the house!" Alex cheered.

"Have you thought about names?" My mom asks. "Yup we have. He's gonna be called Payton Jai Mahone." Lottie says. "I love that name." My mom says.

"Er Austin I've invited someone over." Lottie says shyly. "Ok? Who?" I ask "well two people. They should be here..." Lottie pauses to look at her watch "right now!" She finishes and the door bell goes off.

My mom walks to the door and gets it. "Who is it?" I whisper in her ear. "You'll find out in a minute." She whispers back.

"Lottie come here please!" my mom shouts. I help Lottie off the couch. I follow Lottie into the kitchen and there stood, Sarah, Alex's ex and Andrew Alex's brother. Lottie did tell me that her and Sarah are friends, so I can't really tell her to leave.

"Lottie, wow. You have a baby bump!" Sarah says surprised. Lottie giggles, which makes me smile and wrap my arms around her baby bump.

"Austin! I haven't seen you in a long time." She says, when she realised it was me.

"So who's the lucky fella?" Sarah asked. Right is she actually being serious? Well it is Sarah, sometimes she's clueless. (A/n.I don't mean to be nasty about Sarah as I think she's amazing.)

"Erm Austin." Lottie says to her and shows her hand with the engagement ring on. "You know Sarah you make me laugh." Lottie says with a smile on her face.

I left those to talk while I talked to Andrew. "How are you lil AC?" I say and we do a handshake.

"I'm good how are you?" He says "I'm good thanks." I reply.

"You're a lucky fella you are!" Andrew states. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Why?" I question.

"One you have the perfect girl, two y'all are getting married and three you're both gonna have the most gorgeous baby known to man." Andrew pointed out. "And Alex told me you've bought a house close by, there's another reason. You're gonna live together." He finished.

"I am aren't are?" I questioned myself. I do have everything. "You got anyone?" I ask Andrew.

He shook his head, no, "nope no one." He says.

"Why not you and AC are like chick magnets. Well Alex is more settled now with Sinead." I say.

"I know but there just isn't anyone in Texas for me. That's one of the reason why I came, to find some hot Florida chick" he replies.

After Lottie and Sarah finished talking they disappeared into the living room and so did me and Andrew. "Andrew little bro I haven't seen you in a while!" Alex says while embracing his brother into a hug.

°Charlotte's POV°

It is so good to see Sarah again, since I haven't seen her in a couple of years and shes changed a little, but I'm not sure what has change about her but she has and I don't think its good either. I'm just not sure, I'll have to talk to her in a bit.



Hey guys I'm sorry i haven't updated but its just i couldn't think of anything else to add to the story.

So what I'm thinking about doing is skipping a couple of months to the wedding day, but it would be over two chapters maybe even four at the most depending on how big the chapter. I'm going to and make them big chapters so it end so soon.

HOWEVER, making a sequel to this book its gonna be called Love Means Forever.

Love Y'all❤️


Dave Brytus' DaughterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon