Chapter Fifty-Six

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----Charlotte's POV----

After the day at the beach yesterday we didn't do much all we did was go home an chill. Me and Austin watched a couple of movies in his room and I ended up asleep.

So now I'm sat up leaning against his head board wide awake at 4am. Yay. Not I'm so tired but I just can't sleep so I'm sat on my phone, on twitter looking through me news feeding which is nothing much. I decided to follow a few people on there so I did.

This is gonna sound weird but I'm sat here looking at Austin sleep. He looks so peaceful, so calm and perfect.

Austin just been working so hard on his second album that it's been stressing him out and he's making himself sick. I get the fact that he wants to get it finished for the Mahomie's but he does need his rest.

I took a picture of him sleeping. His hair is curly and swoops across his face. He is shirtless. Austin always falls asleep either with just sweatpants on or in his boxers.

I post the picture on Instagram.

'My baby is peacefully sleeping. 😙💤💕' instantly I got thousands of likes and so many comments like 'aww he's so cute when he sleep.' 'How come your awake at 4am?' And many other questions.

Since I had nothing else to do I played on #LetItGoat by Jack and Jack this game is so addicting. But yet so annoying when you die for no reason.

I really need to go to the bathroom but it's rather hard since Austin has is arm around me and I have no way of getting out of bed without waking him up. After a couple of minutes passed Austin shifted and he moved his arms so I took this chance to go to the bathroom. So I crawled out of bed and went to the bathroom.

I looked at the time on my phone and two hours had passed of me doing nothing. Wow. Since I have nothing else to do I'll go for a shower. So I went to Austin's closet and picked out his yellow TRUKFIT sweatshirt, then went to my room to get some undergarments. When I go to my room I opened the door quietly and saw Alex and Sinead cuddled up together it's cute.

I got my undergarments and went back to Austin's room and went to the bathroom an hopped into the shower. After about 30 minutes I get out and get changed.

I slipped on Austin's sweatshirt and stood side on looking in the mirror. I'm soon to have a baby bump.

Having a baby is a big responsibility but I'm afraid that once he/she is born me and Austin won't have much time with the baby, due to our busy lives.

Even though we have mama and my dad I still want to be there for our baby. It really does scare me that much it's unreal. But to get this off of my mind me and Austin are going to go house shopping this week.

I walked out of Austin bathroom, out of his room and into the kitchen to make everyone breakfast.

I'm gonna call Rocco, I need to ask him if Austin can have a week off. It's a 7am I'm sure he'll be up, right?

I went to my contacts and searched for Rocco's number once I found I pressed it and place my phone to my ear.

•Phone conversation•

Rocco - hello Charlotte? Sup?

Me - hi I'm sorry if I woke you up I need to ask you an important question. I asked keeping my voice low.

Rocco - you didn't wake me up. I'm just about to head to the studio.

Me - speaking of the studio, would it be possible for Austin to week a off? I know it's a lot to ask for but he's been working so hard that he's stressing himself out and I've tried helping but nothing works and we also need to go house shopping. I explained to Rocco.

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