The Wedding Ceremony

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I haven't seen anything as Austin has planned this part of the wedding, so I'm quite nervous but excited to see the venue and the reception.

So right now me and my dad are on our way to the location if the venue even I don't know where it is as I let Austin chose.

Once we arrived at the location, it looked gorgeous. It was an outdoor ceremony and I love it. There were lights hanging from trees, there were light either side of the little stones path and then chair everywhere full of people.

All of my bridesmaids stood in front of me and went down one by one. I was the last linking my arm with my dad's arm.

"My baby girl is all grown up!" He says while pulling the vail over my face. "Please don't cry you'll make me cry" I whisper softly. I grab hold of my bouquet, which was red and white flowers.

We stand in position and wait for all of my bridesmaids to go down the aisle. I looked up to see Austin and his groomsmen, Alex, Robert, Zach and PSanders. Wait Payton's here? Yay, I haven't seen him in so long.

So now me and my dad are now walking down the aisle to my husband to be. Once we got to Austin my da let go of my arm and handed me over to Austin.

Austin grabbed the end of my vail and slowly pulled it back over my head so he could see my face. His smile widened, and so did mine.

I kinda of got lost in Austin's eyes as he stood there staring at me until the priest says "Austin Carter Mahone do you take Charlotte Rebecca Louise Brytus to be your lawfully wedded wife?" I stand there and look at Austin.

"I do." Austin says while pushing the ring onto my ring finger.

"And Charlotte Rebecca Louise Brytus do you take Austin Carter Mahone to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest questions.

"I do." I say while pushing the ring into his ring finger. "You may now kiss the bride." The priest finishes off with.

So you know Austin being Austin, pulled my face into his and kissed me hard, he slowly traced is tongue around my lips, but I pulled away. "We'll leave that till after!" I whisper to him.

Then Austin picks me up bridal style and walks me back down the aisle and to his car, yup his range rover.

While everyone left the venue to go to the reception, me and Austin took a tour around the streets as a newly wed couple.

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