Beautiful Kisses

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After telling the guys about our news we all sat down and watched tv for while. Then Michele and my dad came in. "Hey guys!" My dad says and sits down on the only seat left which was by the window.

Seating went Sinead and Alex took up all of the couch cuddle together. Then Robert and Zach were lay on the floor with pillows and blankets. Me and Austin cuddle together on the love seat by the living room door. I sat there and intertwined our finger together, they look perfect together and seemed to fit with each other's.

"Why so smiley?" Austin whispered into my ear which send chills up my spine.

"Well I was just thinking that our hands fit perfectly together, like they are made for each other." I whisper back then gently bite his earlobe.

A silent gasp escaped his lips and I chuckled. "You're such a tease baby!" He whispers and kisses my neck.

"Austin!" I let out a small gasp of my own, it was Austin's turn to let out a little chuckle.

"Your gonna pay for that!" I growled at him.

"Ugh. Don't growl at me!" He says.

"Why not?" I say innocently.

We are currently watching a movie, we decided to watch despicable me because we are all big kids.

"Well you know I find it hot when you do it!" He says and gently places his hand on my thigh. I chuckle. "You find this funny?" He questions and moves his hand a little higher.

"Can you keep your hand still please!" I ask and clap my hand on top of his.

"Why don't you like it?" He asks innocently.

"You know.!" I say and narrow my eyes at him then smile.

"We also have to be careful, by what we do!" I say matter-of-factly.

"Why?" Austin asks genuinely confused.

"Well my dad is over there watching us and your mom is also sat in the room." I say and motion my head in the direction my dad is.

"Well why don't me and you go somewhere more quiet!" He says and you can hear the smile in his voice.

I nod. "Ok. Then let's go!" I say and get up off of the love seat and grab Austin's hand.

We both walked to my room and Austin closed the door behind him. "So what time out we going out?" I ask while standing in front of my mirror.

"I'll be taking you out at 8pm!" He says and stands behind me and wraps his strong arms around my small waist and pulls me into his chest. "Charlotte, your beautiful. Without makeup on, you don't need anything on!" Austin speaks truthfully. I smile to myself in the mirror.

I turned myself around in his arms and looked into his beautiful hazel eyes. Austin lifts his hand and pushes away and stray strand of hair and tucked it behind my ear, then his hand slowly moves it way across my cheek.

"I love you Charlotte. You mean everything to me." Austin says and places his forehead against mine.

"Austin, I love you too baby. You are my world!" I reply.

With that being said he pushes his lips to mine. They moved in sync, the way his plump lips and mine moved together was amazing, it was like we were made for each other. He pulled me closer to him so I was crush against his chest and the drawers. Austin turned us around so my back was facing my bed. We slowly started to walk to my bed me taking one foot back and Austin taking one foot forward.

We made it to my bed not breaking the contact of our lips once. My knees had hit the bed and Austin gently lowered me on to the bed and he lay on top of me but made sure not to put his full weight on me. One of Austin's hand gently moved down my side and to the end of my shirt, he then slowly put it under my shirt and rested it on my hip.

Austin slowly parted his lips from mine and left a trail of wet kisses down my jaw line then down to my neck, he kissed all up and down my neck until he placed his lips on the part of my neck that was in between my ear and my jaw. I let out a little gasp. He kissed, nipped and licked on that one spot. "Austin!" His name silently slipped from my lips, he then kisses that spot on last time and come back up my jaw and to the corner of my lips.

When he placed his lips on the corner of my lips a smile tugged at my lips.



Hey guys!!

Well this chapter got a little hot!! Anyway there might be a few chapter like this and close to things happening but I'm not gonna go into anymore detail that it is. It's like a little awkward. Lol






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