Dream Come True

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I finished singing and looked up to see Austin and Rocco stood there with there mouths hung low! I took the headphones off and left the booth.

"That was amazing Charlotte!" Rocco said. I smiled widely. "I think I want to sign you!" Rocco says and I look at him.

"Are you being serious?" I say he nods his head.

"Yes I am!" He replied and smiled at me.

"Well done Lottie!" Austin says and picks me up.

"You did it baby. You did it!" He says and kisses my lips passionately.

"I'm so happy! I'm gonna call dad!" I say

"Lottie could you tell your dad that we need him to sign the papers so he will have to come down here!" I nodded my head and ran out side. I found my dads contact and call him.

-----phone convo-----

Me: hey daddy

Dad: hey baby girl. How'd it go?

Me: well you could say that I got a record deal!

Dad: OMG!! Lottie are serious? I'm so proud!

Me: yeah I'm serious Rocco said he wanted to sign me but he needs you to sign the papers.

Dad: ok I'll be there in 10 minutes and is it ok if the guys come?

Me: sure why not! Bye

"bye" dad said and hung up.

I went back inside to see Rocco and Austin talking about something. "Hey guys. Rocco, dad said he will be here in ten minutes and he is bringing the guys." I say and sit down on one of the office chairs.

"Yeah that sounds good!" Rocco says and goes back to his conversation with Austin.

I pick my bag up and get my headphones and my laptop and start editing music. I finally finished the music that I've been editing for a couple of months now.

"Hey Rocco could you listen to this for a minute please?" I ask.

"Yeah sure what is it?" Rocco asks.

"It's just some music I've been working on for a couple of months now and I've just finished it! It's going to be the music for my song I just sang!" I say and concentrate on my screen.

"Sure. And ok" He says.

I started the music from the beginning and let Rocco listen to it all. He seems to like it and so does Austin, but I'll ask when it finishes.

The music has stopped and I look at both of them. "So what do you think?" I ask nervously and look at Austin then Rocco.

"I love it's amazing! It's got a good beat to it!" Rocco says and Austin nods his head in agreement. I smiled.

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