The Night Before & Sinead's Wedding.

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Authors note
The picture above is Sinead's wedding dress.
"Believe me Austin were having twins." I say honestly.

Austin stood there looking at me like I'd gone insane. He looked at the pictures that he was holding in his hands.

A smile started to stretch across his face. "There's two beautiful babies living inside you." Austin whispers. I nod.

"Yes Austin there is." I whisper as well. He came closer to me and placed the pictures on the counter before wrapping his strong arms around my waist.

We stood there in silence just looking into each other's eyes. It was nice to just let the silence speak for us.

The silence was broken by my phone going off. I groaned and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

The caller ID read my dad's name. Hmm strange. So I answer it.

Austin's POV

I still can't believe that Lottie's having twins that's amazing. Mm, I wonder if the babies will be a boy and a girl. I hope they are.

It's just amazing to think that me and Lottie will be having two more children. We are really one happy family.

Payton's going to have either two little brothers, two little sister or a brother and a sister. I wonder what we'd call them.

I hugged Lottie while she was on the phone to someone. I don't know who or what they were talking about but that didn't matter at this moment.

I slowly keel down, so my face is in front of her stomach. Which I may add is a not so small bump, it's quite large for a one month pregnant woman but I guess it would be because she's having twins.

Oh shoot I've just remember that tomorrow is Sinead's and Alex's wedding and he wants me to stay at a his tonight. But I wanna stay with Lottie because I've just had the best news of my life.

I softly place my lips against her bump and whispered 'I love you' to both of the babies as I do love them very much.

If it was a boy and a girl I know for definite that I'd want to call the boy Jasper Jai Mahone. I'm not sure about the girls name I'll ask Lottie.

Lottie got off the phone with who ever she was on the phone too. I was still on my knees with my lips against her stomach.

"Lottie beautiful. If it was a girl and a boy what would you call the girl?" I ask her as she looks down at me with a soft smile.

"I like the name Emila Maci Mahone." She whispers softly as she places her hands on her bump.

"I love that name and for the boy." I ask slowly standing from my place on the floor.

"I quite like the name Jasper." She says softly looking up at me as I looked down at her.

"Jasper Jai Mahone?" I questioned. Lottie's smile grew.

"I love it." She says honestly. She lifted her hands and ran them through my hair.

I hate my hair at the moment I don't know what to do with it. Today it just seems to have a mind of its own, curly and all over the place.


"What should we do now?" I ask twisting her hair around my fingers.

We had decided to cuddle on the couch and watch a movie. Actually we watched about three and the last one has just finished.

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