Bridesmaids Dress Fitting.

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Authors Note

The picture above is like future Austin.

Ok? Ok cool.

••Two months••

Charlotte's POV

Today Sinead is taking us all to see our dresses and I can't wait.

She has described them as a peach kinda colour. Sinead has got the most amazing dress it's beautiful. (A/N I'll put the picture of the dress in the next chapter.)

Her dress is plain and simple but absolutely beautiful. Just under her breasts is a thin line of diamonds, the material above crosses over and makes a stunning effect. Then the dress flows down straight-ish but not skin tight straight. (A/N I'll put the picture up of her dress in the chapter after the next.)

The guys have all gone with Alex to the suit fittings. I'm not sure what Alex has gone for or even for that matter what Sinead has picked, as I think she has planned everything for the wedding.

They're planning on getting married next month and have done a pretty good job to be truthful. Sinead has pretty much done everything and is ready for the wedding. I think she just wants to check that the dresses still fit, making sure no one has lost weight or put it on.

Don't tell anyone but I think I've put weight on as I think I might be pregnant again.

Anyway, we all have to take turns trying our dresses on.

"Lottie you gonna try yours on?" Sinead questions. I have Payton sat on my knee and he is one month old now. And an amazing little boy.

"Yeah sure. Could you just hold Payton for me?" I ask passing Payton to Sinead as she nodded.

So I make my way to the changing rooms. There was already a lady in the changing rooms to help me change into the dress.

"Hello dear. How are you?" The woman questions and smiles at me.

"Hi and I'm good thank you how are you?" I ask being polite.

And we start up a conversation about nothing really, while she fitted the dress and thankfully it still fits, no difference in size. Yet.

"You ready to go out." The lady asks. I nod so she unlocks the door and I make my way out towards Sinead.

"Hey." I say seeing Sinead with her back to me.

"That is perfect." Sinead gasps. I smile widely.

"Sinead can I tell you something in a little bit?" I ask thinking about me being pregnant again. I'm sure she needs to know because by time next month I'm going to have a little bump.

"Sure. Actually I'll come with you." She says bringing Payton with her. Sinead stands outside the door.

"Well what I wanted to tell you was that I think I might be pregnant again?" I question myself.

"Really!" Sinead says happily.

"Really. But I have a doctors appointment later on today to check if I am." I explain to her.

"Does Austin know you might be pregnant?" She asks.

"Not yet. But I want to be hundred percent sure that I am first." I say while slipping my clothes back on. Once I had I unlocked the door and walked out with Sinead.

"Sinead I'd better be going. I'll see you later!" I say while taking Payton from her and placing him in his car seat.

"Bye Lottie. Good luck." She shouts as I make my way out the door and to my car. I still have my blue range rover actually.

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