The Meeting part 2

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After about ten minutes we arrived at the Pittsburgh studio?

"Dad I thought you said you had a meeting?" I said confused.

"Ahh so you did listen to some of it. Well Rocco and Austin wanted me to come here." Dad said.

I nodded and got out of the car and followed my dad inside. Once we got in side dad was greeted by someone or should I say some people.

There were four teenage boys looked about my age.

Once they stopped beating dad up they all looked at me and then smiled at each other I looked at them and ran and jumped on my dads back.

"AHHHH Charlotte what are you doing" dad kinda shouted "they all look evil!" I whispered to dad and he burst out laughing.

"What?" I asked and shrugged.

After about 5 minutes dads laughter died down and I got off his back and stood next to him.

"Charlotte this is Austin, Alex, Robert and Zach." He pointed to each of them.

"Hiii, I'm charlotte but you can call me Lottie!" I said and shook their hands.

"Dad where is the bathroom?" I asked.

"It's just down the hall and the door on your left." Austin said.

"Since when were you my dad?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and a hand on my hip

"Sorry!" He said shyly I started laughing so did my dad.

"What?" Austin said.

"Your so innocent. Thank you for telling me." I replied and walked away to the bathroom but then I heard dad say.

"Aye Austin keep your eyes off of her.." I just chuckled to myself.

I got to the bathroom and did my business. I washed my hands and stood in front of the mirror an examined my self, I thought I looked ok, so I left the bathroom and walked back to my father and the boys.

"Come on let's go to the meeting now!" Dad said and he gave me a piggyback.

"I can walk on my own you know." I stated but dad didn't let me go so I left him be.

"Charlotte has one finee ass." Austin whispered but I heard him and I'm pretty sure my dad did because he stopped abruptly.

"Austin I said eyes off of her!" Dad said through gritted teeth.

"Dad it's fine I just ignored them." I whispered to him and he seemed to calmed down and we carried on walking to a meeting room.

We got to this room and I jumped off dads back and we walked into the room and there stood this man.

"Hi I'm Rocco, Austin's manager." He said to me "hii. I'm Charlotte but you can call me Lottie." I said an shook his hand.

"Dave, all we need to do is talk about stuff and then sign papers. Lottie would it be ok if you went and chilled with the guys." Rocco asked "sure." I said and gave dad a hug.

"Good luck." I whispered. And walked out of the room dad just shook his head at me.

I walked outside of the building to find the guys playing basketball.

"Hey Lottie you wanna play?" Zach asks.

"Sure but I'm gonna beat your asses." I said and grabbed the ball.

"Like that's possible!" Alex scoffed.

"Ermmm it's possible. Teams it will be me against you four. Ok?" I said.

"what no that's not fair!! How about a one on one?" Austin said.

"Fine! It will be me vs Austin, then Robert, then Alex and last Zach. Does that sound good?" They all nodded. Me and Austin started our game.

After about 2 hours all the boys were wiped and lay on the floor and I'm stood up not even tired, I beat all of them.

"Wow!! Your are amazing Charlotte." Robert said while gasping for air.

"Why thank you." I said and did a little bow. And shot a half court.

"Show off!" Alex mumble.

"It's not her fault you all suck!" Someone said and I turned around and found Rocco and my dad stood there smirking.

"HEYY!! We don't suck!" They all exclaimed I just rolled my eyes.

"Well done Char, that's my girl..." Dad said and high-fived me.

"Okay, hold up she's your daughter?" Rocco asked confused.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Dad asked.

"No I just didn't know, I thought she was your niece or something." Rocco sounded shocked. I shook my head and helped the guys up from the floor.

I got to Austin and when our hands touched it felt like electric ran through my hand. Me and Austin both looked at each other, we smiled and I blushed. Austin then decided to give me hug.

"Eww Austin your all sweaty get off me!" I said and he held onto me tighter an picked me up. After 2 minutes he put me down.

"That was disgusting. I'm never giving you hug again." I said an walked over to the skate ramps and started doing tricks.



Hey guys! I hope you like this story! I've been writing this for a while and wasn't sure of posting this but I have and I like this!

Please tell me what you think


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