Start from the beginning

"Don't worry, Perce, the twins will be down at any minute now." Charlie told his brother, but he was staring at my eyes. 

"Is something on my face?" I asked him. 

"I still find your eyes changing color entertaining." Charlie told me while grinning. I smirked at his words. Charlie was about the only one who didn't ask me to change my hair color or my appearance, well Percy didn't ask me about it either but I doubt he even took notice, he is always doing homework, or telling the twins off. 

The twins finally came down stairs, and we started to walk to the station in Hogsmeade. We had already missed breakfast, lucky for me Charlie went on a quick muffin run and gave them to Percy and I. I noticed Fred glance at me various time while walking. When he noticed that I caught him, he cleared his throat loudly and said:

"The blue eyes look good on you, ya know." I felt myself blush as the boys laughed. 

"Yeah, and the pink hair looks nice too." George said, I instantly shook my head and my hair turned back to dark red. I glared at the twins all the way to the platform. Once we got in the train, we found a compartment with Lee. Percy and Charlie went over to their own friend. All the way back the boys talked about quidditch and pranks, I just slept the whole ride. 


Even though she is going to the burrow with us, Rose was still upset about her parents lack of response. I noticed because when she is not concentrating or when someone else talks about their own parents, her eyes flash grey with sadness. She is getting better at controlling her hair. But now that she is sleeping peacefully against my shoulder, her hair is a true blue color. Not ice blue, or dark blue, or the blue she gets when she is tired even though that looks more like green. This blue is just that, blue. She decided this blue ment she was relaxed and calm. I must've been staring at her for too long because we were now at King Cross. I shook her shoulder lightly once the students started to descend.

She opened her eyes, and both, her hair and eyes, were yellow with confusion. As fast as her hair turned yellow, it turned back to her normal red. Her eyes still yellow.

"We are here." I announced. She yawned and nodded her head before getting up, her eyes light blue. 

Rose's POV: 

We were descending the train with Lee. I began looking for the redhead of Mrs. Weasley, I started to feel nervous. Lee spotted his family, and said his goodbyes. Finally we spotted Mrs. Weasley on her own, I thought she would bring her other children. We came close to her and she drew us all in hugs. 

"Mum, where are Ginny and Ron?" Charlie asked once she finished hugging us all. 

"They're back home with Bill dear." Mrs. Weasley informed him, while turning to me. 

"Bill's here?" Charlie asked, the enthusiasm big on his voice. Mrs. Weasley nodded. 

"Rose dear, we are all so pleased to be having you for christmas. Ginny is ecstatic." Mrs. Weasley  told me. I felt relieved at her words and her eyes widen. 

"Oh right," Fred started once he saw this. "Mum, Rose is metamorphmagus. Her eyes change color with her emotions, she can't control them." He explained. 

"That is just wonderful dear." Mrs. Weasley smiled. I smiled back at her and she explained that we were getting back by Floo. Since I had never traveled by Floo powder, Charlie took me alongside him. In an open and close of eyes, and after feeling like I was going to be sick, I was at the burrow's living room.

The Lost Potter [Fred Weasley/ Adrian Pucey]Where stories live. Discover now