I let out an annoyed groan and just continued up stairs.

{Tords POV}

After the flash of white hit me, I rubbed my eyes and let them adjust. I blinked a few times and looked around. It's all just like a white screen. Where the fuck am I?

I started to walk forward and looked around. I didn't see anything or hear anything other than the sound of my footsteps and breathing.

Maybe I did it wrong? I did have Paul when I first used this thing. Wait a minute.


I smacked my forehead with my robotic arm and knocked myself off my feet, falling flat on my back. I groaned and looked up at, well nothing!

I laid there in my own stupidity. Sure I could leave. BUT I DONT KNOW HOW! How the fuck can someone so stupid run a whole army?

I closed my eyes and just stayed there. I didn't plan to move until a bright light burned my eye lids.

I opened my eyes and saw that I was staring at the ceiling of the lab. I glanced at the mechanic and saw Pat there with his hands on his hips and shaking his head in disapproval.

I sighed. "Hello Pat."

"Sir. You should be in bed."

"How did you know I'd be here?"

"I've known you for years, you really thing I expected you to go straight to your room?"

I rolled my eyes and stayed on the ground.

Pat sighed and walked up to me.

"Get up Sir. It's not professional to be on the floor, hurry up before someone sees you."

I didn't move. I continued to stare up at the ceiling and Pat just sighed again. Instead of bothering to get me up, he laid down next to me.

We both stayed there staring at the ceiling.

The sound of soldiers walking in and out of the room rang through our ears but we stayed put.

"So. Wanna talk about Tom?"

I sighed and looked over to see Pat looking at me.

"No not really."



"Alright." He looked back at the ceiling. "But it would help take your mind off things you know."

I sighed and joined him in staring at the ceiling again.

"I know. It's just, hard. Y'know?"

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Things are just so different now. We're finally getting along and don't get me wrong I love being his friend. But there's a little piece of me that wants more."

Pat hummed, understanding.

"It's just that, when Tom and I were younger, we were inseparable. We would do everything together. Sure Edd and Matt would be with us all the time as well, but Tom and I had that kind of friendship where, you know, it was just unnatural to be apart."

I took a moment to think of what I was going to say next.

"Hell, even his mother treated me like her own son. I would just walk in and she'd ask me if I've had dinner." I chuckled at the memory.

Toms mother would always have an extra plate waiting for me at the dinner table. Always inviting me to family events. Hell even show up to my sport events.

I smiled to myself. I let out a winded laugh and Pat looked over to me.

"See, talking about things make you feel better."

"Yeah. I guess it does."

"But there's still something bothering you, isn't there?"

I sighed. "Yup."

"Then go ahead. Your words are safe with me."

"I know. But I'd rather not talk about it here."

"Alright I respect that. But come on, you need sleep."

Not wanting to argued. I agreed. He got up and held a hand out to me. I took it and he helped me up. He walked me up to my room and left once I was inside. I got into a t-shirt and shorts and got into bed.

I continued to think about Tom and his mother. I miss those times.

But I can't dwell on the last. Instead I have to look to tomorrow.

And tomorrow is the day I get Tom back.

It's strange. This is the first time I felt myself relaxed in bed. I closed my eyes and, call me crazy, I felt someone rubbing my head.

I let out a relaxed sigh and snuggled into bed.

Don't worry Tom, I'm coming.

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