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It's 3am and I'm now brain dead ,_,

{Toms POV}

I woke up with a splitting headache. I tried to open my eyes but my vision wouldn't focus. I should really visit a doctor about that.

Once it cleared, I was in a dark room. Once my eyes adjusted to the dark I looked down to see that my wrists and ankles were stripped to a wooden chair. Ignoring the pain, I tried to free myself from the straps but with no success.

I sighed and realized that I couldn't hear. Great now I'm tied and deaf.

I looked around the room to see if I recognized anything but it looked like a hospital room, but more, creepy. My hearing aids were so close but I couldn't free myself. I continued to look around until I saw dried blood smeared on the ground and I felt a chill go down my spine.

This is not gonna end well.

I couldn't take my eyes off the blood when a blinding bright light suddenly filled the room. I shut my eyes and looked away. A moment after a felt a hand roughly grab my chin and made me look forward. I opened my eyes, trying to ignore the light.

A silhouette of a face stood in front of me. They let go and backed up allowing me to see their face properly.


He purses his lips together and walked to a table. He picked up my hearing aids and put them on me. Once they were on, he grabbed a chair and sat in front of me.

"Morning Thomas."

I debated rather or not I should say something. "What the fUCK Alexander!"

He chuckled and looked down. "You know your real cute when your mad."

I felt my face heat up. Before I could retaliate he looked back up at me.

"You know, we could've avoid this. I really did like you Thomas. We could've ran off to New York, live our lives together and maybe have a family." He stood up and walked over to me. He kneeled down to my lever and placed a hand on my cheek. "But you had to say no. This really didn't need to happen love."

He got closer to my face, I could feel his breath against my lips as he spoke.

"But if you do this right, we can still be together." He whispered before closing the space between our lips.

I tried to move my head away but he used his other hand to keep me from moving. Once we parted, he stood up again and looked down to me. He walked over to a table near the back of the room and began to mix weirdly colored liquids together.

"Alexander what are you doing?"

I was starting to panic. I had no clue where I was or how much time has passed. I tried to free myself again but nothing was working. Alexander turned back to me and was now holding a needle and round metal thing.

He walked back towards me and I froze. He pulled a cart of all sorts of medical stuff from behind me and put down the needle.

He leaned down to me and grabbed my chin. He then pressed the metal thing against the back of my ear and held it for a moment. He then pulled his hand back and let my chin go.

"The fuck was that?!"

"If you'd be a little patient with me then you'd know."

He walked back to his chair and sat down. His gazed met my eyes and then looked away.

"Your gonna kill me, aren't you?"

He looked back to me in a flash and held his hands up. "No! I would never hurt you!"

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