Meeting Brothers

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Welcome back to the chapter number 54 of "Strings Of Destiny".



"Demonic Voice"



Nimato stared in fear as he looked into the eyes of two of the most famous criminals in the world.

Naruto Namikaze the man Nimato both envied and feared, he envied him because he was the son of the late Yondaime Hokage and he feared him due to his known cruelty such as his actions in wave.

Izumi Uchiha a woman Nimato had never seen however she did feel slightly familiar to him whether that was because she reminded him of Sasuke or something else Nimato couldn't be certain however he did know that this was the woman who killed off all her family except Sasuke and was extremely dangerous.

"W-What did you say?" Nimato stuttered out in shock wondering how the two in front of him knew about the Kyuubi in him.

"We're going to have to ask you to come with us Nimato-kun" Izumi said in her emotionless voice.

Before Nimato could answer a small grin made its way onto Naruto's face and his eyes moved so he could see the end of the corridor.

"Oh...he's glaring at you" Naruto said with an amused tone looking towards Sasuke Uchiha as his two tomoe Sharingan burned into the back of Izumi's head as if trying to light her on fire with just his glare alone.

"I...know" Izumi replied turning around to face Sasuke...her younger brother who wanted nothing more than to kill her.

"It's been awhile...Sasuke" Izumi said looking into her younger brothers eyes and she could see the hatred in them.

"Uchiha Izumi...I will kill you" Sasuke said his eyes glaring at his older sister all the memories of how his family had been killed rushing into his head.

"I've been waiting for this day...I've lived hating you and I have only lived so I could kill you" Sasuke said a lightning aura appearing around his hand.

'Look's similar to Kakashi's technique' Naruto thought as he witnessed the scene always making sure to keep one eye on Nimato.

"DIE!" Sasuke shouted running towards Izumi his hand destroying the wall as he made his way towards her.

"...Chidori..." Izumi said watching Sasuke attempt to thrust his lightning covered hand at her. Unfortunately for him his eyes widened as he realized Izumi had disappeared, looking towards Naruto Sasuke gritted his teeth as he saw him smiling however Naruto motioned his head to behind Sasuke causing him to turn around and gasp as Izumi grabbed his wrist nullifying the Chidori.

'Crap...this is bad' Nimato thought putting his hand in a seal and immediately everyone could feel the chakra fill the room it felt a little different from last time but Naruto could easily sense the chakra of the Kyuubi.

"That's some fearsome chakra you have there" Naruto said clenching his hand while Izumi looked down at her brother in annoyance.

"You're in the way" Izumi state emotionlessly to Sasuke as she snapped his wrist without hesitation causing him to scream out in pain she immediately followed up by kicking him into the wall at the end of the corridor.

"You're still too weak" Izumi stated letting go of Sasuke and turned towards Nimato.

"SASUKE!" Nimato shouted rising his chakra again however Naruto appeared in front of him and in an instant his hand turned to wood and he placed it on top of Nimato's head.

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