A Defeat!

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Welcome back to the twentieth chapter of "Strings Of Destiny".



"Demonic Voice"



Wordlessly Naruto began walking again followed by the prisoners as they looked sick at the sight they had just seen.

Naruto rested his head on the door as he made it to the main entrance and quickly turned around and stared at the prisoners while they watched him in anticipation.

"I'm not going to lie...a lot of you may die when we go outside however you also lived in this village you should know all the shortcuts to get out of the village without being detected, when we go out I'm going to turn left and distract their army meanwhile I want the rest of you to turn right and escape make your way to the forest a couple of miles outside the village" Naruto stated getting gasps off some of the prisoners.

"But we'll be seen" One of them shouted out.

"Only if you're not quick, use the cover of night to your advantage...are you ready?" Naruto asked gripping the door knobs.

Hesitantly the prisoners nodded and Naruto smirked before pushing the doors open quickly throwing several smoke bombs towards the right, Naruto nodded towards the prisoners before pulling out a kunai with an explosive tag.

"Go" Naruto stated running to the left splitting up with everyone and chucked the kunai at a large group of shinobi's effectively getting their attention.

"Get him" Naruto heard as he felt several people approaching him and jumped into the air evading several kunai and shuriken.

By pure reactions Naruto jumped into the air and tucked his legs up narrowly dodging an attack that would of sliced his body in half and fell backwards rolling off the roof when he noticed the growing numbers of enemies surrounding him.

Rolling himself back up Naruto unsheathed his katana and blocked an attack from behind before kicking an enemy in front of him and swinging backwards separating the enemies head from his shoulders.

'Shit' Naruto thought watching several shinobi go through hand seals and watched as several giant water dragons appeared and launched towards him, quickly thinking he pulled out a Hiraishin kunai and threw it towards a group of enemies behind him and watched as it stuck into the stomach of one of them and disappeared in a yellow flash.

Appearing in front of the man Naruto stomped on his head and quickly formed a rasengan knocking a large group of enemies back.

"Well...well...well Naruto Namikaze comes to join us, last I heard you were dead...killed by the Kyuubi...but then that's all in the past right...even though you will be killed by a Bijuu today" Yagura said appearing in the street in front of Naruto and started forming red chakra around himself.

Naruto immediately went through hand seals and a barrage of wooden branches flew towards Yagura and the rest of the shinobi's. Yagura smacked them away while the other shinobi's where not so lucky and were sent flying back into buildings.

Naruto's eyes widened however, as he watched the branches that weren't destroyed by Yagura suck up part of his Bijuu chakra.

'What...I know Moukton has the ability to suppress the Kyuubi abilities but does it work on the rest of the Bijuu as well' Naruto quickly back flipped over an attack Yagura sent that burnt the ground.

"Shit" Naruto cursed as he watched several enemies stand up and Yagura continue to become more monstrous in power and form.

Back stepping to dodge out of the way of an attack from a sword Naruto quickly kneed the man in stomach and sliced his head in half however the slight change in wind forced Naruto to widen his eyes as he saw a Bijuu enhanced punch come flying towards his face and unable to dodge Naruto closed his eyes and took the punch full force and was sent flying into loads of different buildings.

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