Good Guys And Bad Guys

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Welcome back to the chapter number 79 of "Strings Of Destiny".



"Demonic Voice"



Next Morning

Naruto frowned as the group of him, Izumi, Jiraiya, Nimato and Yotogi walked towards Tsuchi No Kuni, they had all decided that it was time to find answers and the only place to look was in Tsuchi No Kuni.

During the walk there had been no mention about the night before but it was easily detectable that there was some high tension in the air.

Naruto still couldn't believe it even now...he was going to be a father. On one hand he was a little happy but on the other hand he didn't want to believe it...a child with his genes was going to be born however what was he going to be...a deadbeat dad?

He'd never be there to see his child...would the child come to hate him for not being there would it resent him for being a criminal of Konoha? These were just a few of the questions going through his mind at the moment.

Looking towards Izumi Naruto couldn't tell what she was feeling or thinking at the moment was she angry? She must have known that when she asked him to persuade Tsunade he would have sex with her...of course he knew there were no excuses however his mind refused to believe it was his fault and the moment he started thinking it was his fault he wouldn't be able to cope.

Another blow to him had been Jiraiya' disowning him as a student the man had been like a grandfather to him...he was losing family again and the worst part was his fault.

"We should stop here and rest for a while" Naruto heard Jiraiya say while he looked at what seemed to be a small abandoned cabin. Naruto looked towards everyone and found Yotogi breathing hard it was understandable that the boy would be tired since he wasn't trained like everyone else here.

Nodding Naruto decided now would also be a good time for him to rest his thoughts for a wasn't healthy and he felt like he was reverting back to his thirteen year old self.


Naruto sat on top of the cabin as he looked at the scene of Jiraiya teaching Nimato he didn't really know how to stop his thoughts turning negative so he had decided that watching his brother train would be a good way to take his mind off things and surprisingly it did seem to work.

As he watched Nimato train himself in using the Kyuubi's chakra he couldn't help but smile at the thought of his father's seal working exactly how he had planned...of course Nimato could only go one tail without losing his mind but it was still impressive none the less.

Watching as the second tail grew out of Nimato Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly at the feeling of the malicious was the exact same chakra he had felt the night his parents died and it was something no person could forget. The whiskers on Nimato's face became darker, his hair became spikier and his finger nails grew larger, Naruto could tell Nimato was on the verge of losing his mind so performing a seal two wooden branches wrapped around Nimato's legs and slowly the Kyuubi's chakra receded back into Nimato's body.

Panting Nimato looked up towards the cabin's roof and narrowed his eyes at Naruto...this man had the ability to seal the Kyuubi's chakra away. Nimato couldn't help but think it was pointless to learn controlling this chakra when someone like Naruto could easily seal it away.

"I didn't ask for your help" Nimato gasped out getting back to his feet his azure eyes locking onto Naruto's.

"I'm not helping you I'm just bored" Naruto responded lying down on the roof to look at the sky. It was a lie Naruto was trying to help Nimato in fact he was hesitant to watch him train in controlling the Kyuubi's chakra as he didn't want to lose the last of his family to that fox.

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