Need to Move Forward

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Welcome back to the chapter number 76 of "Strings Of Destiny".

Finally I got the permission to get this account. In other words, I have taken over his account since he doesn't have time to update.

Thankyou all for commenting such wonderful comments which helped me more to convince him to give me this account.

My name is "SASHA". Nice to meet you all ;)



"Demonic Voice"



Tsuchi No Kuni (Land of Earth)

Both Naruto and Izumi appeared in a flash in under the waterfall Naruto had placed his marker, he slightly regretted not marking Naoru's place since they'd have an hour or two of travelling.

Izumi sighed as she took in her surroundings she had hoped Naruto would have been able to get to Naoru's house in one jump but it seemed they would be travelling. She did have to hand It Naruto though he did find a decent secluded spot for him to be able to get into the land of earth without being spotted.

Jumping out of the waterfall Izumi used her chakra to climb to walk to the top something wasn't right and she could feel it.

"Let's go" Izumi said and Naruto nodded as the two set off towards Naoru's hideout.

With Nimato

"Here try this" Nimato said excitedly to Yotogi as he handed him a bowl of ramen. Nimato had dragged Yotogi to the first ramen stand he had found, both Jiraiya and Nimato had decided to take Yotogi with them after hearing his story he had been through so much and to leave him alone now would be shameful.

"What is it?" Yotogi asked looking at the bowl of noodles it did look delicious and he had never seen such food...he was used to the animals he'd have to capture to eat so to see something so different did make him feel a little uneasy.

"This is the most delicious food in the world try some" Nimato replied nodding to enthusiastically.

Jiraiya smiled slightly as he watched Nimato attempt to gain another follower in his obsession with ramen. Memories of Kushina rushed through him as he watched Nimato the two were so similar it scared him, he wondered whether or not Naruto had noticed it or not, he had known Naruto and Kushina where close.

Yotogi hesitantly slurped some noodles it was different from anything he had tasted before. For a few brief seconds Nimato watched Yotogi go through a mixture of facial expressions before he finally smiled and Nimato smiled as well.

"This is delicious Nimato-san" Yotogi stated cheerfully before eating his ramen with a little more enthusiasm and for Jiraiya he was happy to see the smile on Nimato's face he knew the boy had not had many friends in his life and seeing his godson happy made him feel a lot more content.

"Oh, if you like this you'll love the ramen they have back in Konoha it's the greatest" Nimato laughed eating his own bowl of ramen.

"Really?" Yotogi asked in awe this was by far the tastiest thing he had ever tasted...was there really a place that sold something even tastier.

"Yeah, when we go to Konoha I promise we'll get some" Nimato said nodding his head and Yotogi smiled...despite everything that had happened to him he was happy he had someone like Nimato-san around.

With Naruto

Naruto frowned as he looked around him the rocky scenery he had seen when he had last been here was turned into nothing but rubble, the large boulder like pillar that Naoru used as a home was also not there anymore reduced to nothing but ruins now.

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