Start Of The Mission

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Welcome back to the nineteenth chapter of "Strings Of Destiny".

Sadly due to poor vote ratio, it will be one chapter per day :(



"Demonic Voice"



Naruto opened his eyes at the sound of someone knocking on his door. Sitting up quickly he turned to look at the clock on his table to see what time it was and sighed, it seemed he only had an hour before he had to leave for the mission.

Putting on his black anbu top and bottoms with mesh underneath and finished the look off with a grey chest plate over his torso, his hands now equipped with his finger-less gloves that had full back metal protection on them.

He walked towards the door as he heard the continuous knocking and opened it and came face to face with Hogosha...the one man he didn't want to see.

"Mei-sama asked for your company" Hogosha said while glaring at Naruto.

"Okay tell Mei-chan I'll be right there" Naruto said with a smirk as he watched Hogosha turn around and growl.

Going back into his room Naruto strapped his katana around his waist and disappeared with the body flicker technique and appeared right outside the rebel headquarters.

He made his way past the usual guard and through the hallways until he reached Mei's room, he knocked a few times letting her know of his presence and smiled faintly when he heard her voice.

"Come in Naruto-kun"

Naruto opened the door and peeked, his head through and noticed she was alone sitting in her chair staring at Naruto her green eyes shining with happiness as she watched him walk in.

"You wanted to see me Mei?" Naruto asked causing her to blush due to the feeling he gave her however she quickly composed herself and smiled.

"Yes...I wanted to see you before you set off for the mission" Mei said crossing her arms over her chest raising her breasts slightly so Naruto could see.

" you wanted to see my handsome face before I left" Naruto smirked as he stared at Mei's breasts that were only just covered by her blue dress who could blame him he was a man after all.

"And what if I did?" Mei asked with a flirty smile.

"Then I hope your satisfied" Naruto said with an equally flirty smile, it was one of the things they would do as both of them were flirts and it wasn't unusual to hear both Naruto and Mei walk around the camp flirting with one another some of the people had even suspected that their leader and Naruto where even intimate with one another while others played it off due to their natures.

"I am...however there is also another reason to why I called you here and it's this" Mei said pulling out a large piece of paper and handed it to Naruto.

"It's a map for your escape route I need you to take a good look at this, as this map could ultimately save your life" Mei said as she stood up and watched the setting sun.

"Thank you, it's a shame I have no way of repaying you for all you've done" Naruto said with an amused smile however he was shocked at how fast Mei spun around and made her way over to him.

"You...don't have to thank me Naruto-kun, what you're doing for me...all of us however if you do feel like repaying me there is always this" Mei suddenly grabbed Naruto's cheeks and pressed her lips onto his and slowly entangled her arms around his neck and played with the back of his hair.

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