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Welcome back to the chapter number 72 of "Strings Of Destiny".



"Demonic Voice"



Jiraiya stared at the sunset with a frown on his face while he sat on one of his large frog summons. Anger and humiliation was eating at him all those times he had been devoted to Tsunade she had been fucking with Naruto behind his back, they must have been laughing at him watching him make an idiot out of himself while the two of them were sharing a bed.

'Naruto...' Jiraiya thought in anger he had trained and brought up the child as his own he had even told Naruto how much he loved Tsunade and he still did this to him. Was it a mistake to have corrupted Naruto? He should have seen it coming after hearing stories Naruto had been intimate with Mei Terumi the current Mizukage, Shizune and Kurenai Yuhi he should have known Tsunade would have been in his eyesight...after all Naruto's only role model had been him.

"Ero-Sennin" Jiraiya heard from the window behind him and when he turned around he saw Nimato wrapped in bandages, sighing Jiraiya smiled at the sight of the boy he was truly an innocent version of Naruto the one that hadn't been scarred by the shinobi world.

"Hey brat...how are you feeling?" Jiraiya asked with a grin and Nimato frowned for a moment thinking about how Sasuke had escaped he had failed Baa-chan, Sakura-chan and most of all he had failed Konoha.

"A little sore" Nimato replied and Jiraiya smiled he could see so much of himself in the boy and he'd make sure this time he'd teach Nimato the right morals unlike how he had taught Naruto he would make Nimato a man who could be proud of himself.

"That's great...but down to business, I've got a little proposition for you..." Jiraiya trailed off explaining how soon people like Naruto and Izumi would be coming after him to take his Bijuu and the only way for him to protect Konoha and himself would be to leave on a training trip. He could see the conflicting look on Nimato's face he knew the boy would want to stay with his friends but it was best for Nimato to leave.

'And for me as well...' Jiraiya thought he couldn't stay here...he couldn't watch Tsunade go through her pregnancy when he knew each moment would kill him, he needed something to take his mind off the whole Tsunade issue and training Nimato was definitively a way to do that.


With Naruto

Lemon Warning

The sound of panting and skin meeting skin could be heard echoing in Koyuki's office. The cause of the sound could be linked back to both Naruto and Koyuki. In her office Koyuki laid on her desk naked while Naruto pumped into her sending her powerful thrusts that made her breasts bounce around.

After their first time together both Koyuki had found themselves all week getting into these situations. They both knew this was purely a friend's with benefits relationship and nothing else. After the two finished the viewing of the editing progress they would usually go back to her office and fuck, tonight however had been different for the two of them.

Mame had asked Koyuki out for dinner and surprisingly she had said yes...that was another thing Naruto had noticed she had gotten a lot closer with Mame during the week since he had been staying with her. It wasn't that he was jealous of the two forming a closer relationship however he began to feel guilty knowing there could be genuine feelings between both Koyuki and Mame.

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