Destined to Die

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Welcome back to the chapter number 114 of "Strings Of Destiny".



"Demonic Voice"



Naruto widened his eyes at the wolves in front of him they had quite the dangerous aura and killing intent surrounding them their sharp claws and muscular legs easily cracked the ice underneath them, these animals were nothing like he had ever seen back in the shinobi lands of course there were huge summons however there where none that were completely wild and unpredictable like this.

Turning his head towards Yakui Naruto raised an eyebrow as he noticed the leader of this warrior tribe seemed to be shaking in fear he was frozen in his spot all the while the largest wold walked towards him by either ripping its way through the other warriors or just knocking them away with its superior strength.

Turning towards Izumi Naruto widened his eyes when he noticed two wolves stalking towards her growling and while she had a kunai out he could see her struggling to keep her balance not to mention she wasn't using her Sharingan.

"What the hell are you doing your friends are getting torn apart and you're just going to stand there?" Naruto shouted towards Yakui who seemed momentarily stunned before all of a sudden the large wolf had leaped into action before pinning Yakui to the floor with a sickening thud and used its large claws to pin his head down all the while growling.

Naruto was unable to do anything as he had moved into action to help Izumi by sliding across the ice and grabbed the neck of one of the wolves and tackled it to the ground then slamming its face off the ice which caused it to whelp in pain.

Izumi now only being targeted by one wolf tried to activate her Sharingan again however found herself unable to she couldn't form any chakra at all due to the stones and so she used the only thing she could her fighting skills which she had spent hours and hours crafting on when she had been younger.

Quickly moving her body to the side and out of the way when the wolf dived at her she axe kicked it on the back slamming it onto the ice belly first and it's chin smashed off the ice as well causing the wolf to whelp however as Izumi placed her foot back on the ice she fell forward but was able to use the wolf to cushion her fall.

Yakui watched in fear as the large wolf he had come to know as Scar hovered above him it's scar on its left eye made it all the more menacing it was a scar he himself had inflicted on the wolf when he had been younger and ever since then he had never been more afraid of the beast.

The large wolf known as Scar dragged its claw down Yakui's chest making the large man flinch slightly and before he knew it the wolf had leaped off him and began to walk off immediately the other wolves followed as well even the ones that had been attacked by Naruto and Izumi.

Naruto watched in surprise as the wolves just left as quick as they had come before looking towards Yakui who was still shaking in his boots but he seemed to have a cut on his chest next to a few other scars. Naruto was angry more angry that he had ever been in a long time so slowly making his way towards Yakui he grabbed him by his neck and despite how ridiculous the height difference looked Naruto glared at him.

"Coward...shaking like you've just pissed yourself while your friends are attacked what sort of leader are you?" Naruto asked before he felt another hand grip his and looking towards the side he saw Izumi with a stern face on her.

"Not now Naruto can't you see now's not the time for this" Izumi stated and Naruto continued to stare at her before glaring at Yakui one more time as he seemed to be staring at his fellow warriors in shock. Scoffing Naruto released his grip on Yakui and let the large man fall on his ass those wolves had just made them all look like idiots.

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