Blood !

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Welcome back to the chapter number 146 of "Strings Of Destiny".



"Demonic Voice"



With Naruto

"I see so basically you need somewhere to stay for a few days right?...I don't know especially considering how the last time you two stayed here turned out" Tsunami said as she looked at both Naruto and Izumi and the two of them looked down in shame for a moment before Tsunami chuckled a little.

"I'm just kidding...besides I forgave you both a long time ago just don't do anything stupid while you're here" Tsunami said looking at Naruto and Izumi also turned her head to look at him making his eyebrow twitch.

"Want to stop looking at me?" Naruto mumbled making Tsunami laugh while Izumi just smirked.

"Well I suppose I'll try explain this to Tou-san and Inari" Tsunami said worrying slightly how the two would react.


"So why are we here Izumi?" Naruto asked as he got comfy on his single bed, he was now in just a plain black t-shirt and a pair of black anbu pants. He rested his arms behind his head and looked at the ceiling confused by Izumi's request to come to wave.

Izumi didn't answer at first instead she opted to continue reading her book which was about plants surprisingly however after a few moments she lowered the book slightly.

"I just felt like it so strange to for us to be here?" Izumi wondered and Naruto narrowed his eyes at her.

"You're lying...and I know you have a real reason for coming here if you want I'll help you with whatever you're planning" Naruto stated and Izumi just frowned slightly she was wearing a black sleeveless vest and black three quarter anbu pants.

"I'm not up to anything...I just wanted to be somewhere familiar besides shouldn't you be making the moves on Tsunami I mean her husband is out of the way so you can just continue where the two of you left off right?" Izumi wondered not that she cared...much, but she had thought that Naruto and Tsunami being here together again would light the old flame the two had however Naruto hadn't even glanced at Tsunami in a perverted way once since arriving which surprised her since the last time she had been here with Naruto he wouldn't stop staring at Tsunami's ass.

"...Na, besides she's sworn to never be seduced by me and be faithful to her husband even if he's even if I wanted to which I don't I'm not sleeping with Tsunami again" Naruto mumbled.

"Seems pretty pointless swearing herself to her husband after what happened don't you think?" Izumi wondered and Naruto just smiled he had thought the same at one point but he had realized a long time ago Tsunami hadn't made the promise to her husband it had been to her herself.

"Meh...if it makes her happy then I suppose it's okay" Naruto said before turning over and closing his eyes.

"Anyway don't be up to long we're going to the best doctors this place has to offer tomorrow and I know how bitc...moody you can be if you don't get enough sleep" Naruto said he had almost said bitchy but the slight chilling atmosphere made him change his mind and settle on a different word.

Izumi looked at him with narrowed eyes she had noticed the slight slip in his words, she was not bitchy when she was tired granted she was overly annoyed but wouldn't anyone be if they were tired.

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