Yes I will pt.2

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You went down and saw Taehyung, Jimin and Jin already waiting for you. They were all wearing smart-casual outfits.

''Ready y/n?'' asked Jin taking your hand. You nod.

''You got into the Limo and started heading to the spot. You were driving and driving for almost what seemed like forever.That's when you realized.

''Wait! Isn't the bighit entertainment that way?'' you asked pointing to the opposite direction.

''Uh...Actually...t-the meeting isn't at the bighit.It's actually at the (Name of the best 5 star restaurant ).'' explained Jimin.

''But isn't it impossible to get a reservation there?'' you questioned.

''Yes it is but we managed.'' said Tae.

(More of the stupid driving...)

You arrive at the spot. Just as you remembered it. You used to come here with your family. When you and Namjoon were little. Before Namjoon joined the Bighit entertainment.


''Mommmm~Namjoon took my fried chicken...!'' you pouted.

''Y/n! Respect. Its Namjoon oppa. Not plain Namjoon...'' Said your mother sternly.'' And Namjoon! Do you really have to be so greedy? You already ate mine and daddy's one too...!''

''But mooooommmmmmmmmmm~! I don't like seafood...Speacially crabs...I only love fried chicken....'' reasoned chicken loving Namjoon.

Your dad who was listening to this conversation laughed and face-palmed, while your mom tried to solve the chicken-conflict....

*End of flashback....*

You smiled at this memory.All these dinner plans were messed up when your parents got new jobs and had to go on business tours for years. So they left Namjoon and you with your grandparents.

Anyway, all of you went inside the restaurant. To the rooftop reservations.You didn't see anyone around.

''Where is everyone?'' you asked confused.

''I guess they haven't arrived yet. Taehyung, Jimin come with me.Y/n you stay here. We will go see if they are coming...'' instructed Jin.

You nod again.

Once they left, you went admire the beauty of the city. The restaurant you were currently in was very famous for the roof-top view. You saw trails of vehicles and tall buiding with colourful lights lighting them up. The sun was starting to set and you saw birds flying their way back home.A tear rolled down your cheek. You quickly quick it away since you didn't want to look like a black-eyed zombie after a while.

''If only Jungkookie was there with me...!'' You suddenly heard footsteps behind you.

''Oppa! Did they arrive?'' you asked still admiring the rooftop view, thinking it was Jin.

''Oppa? You already know I don't like been called by that name right?'' said a man's voice which was obviously not Jin's voice.

You turn around to see Jungkook giving you his famous bunny smile. You ran to him and gave him a HUGE hug. Jungkook hugged back as he gave you a kiss on your neck.

''Happy birthday, princess!'' He said as he gave you a long passinate kiss.

''I thought y-you forgot m-my birth-day.'' you said beginning to cry.

''Oh there there, princess! How can I forget my y/n's birthday?'' he said giving you another hug.Harder than the last time.''We wanted to surprise you,there was no meeting. Just wanted to arrange things for the special day. I am sorry for today. Taehyung hyung told me you cried to sleep today. I am so sorry y/n-ah.''

''It's okay.At least you are here with me at this moment.'' you said smiling.'' speaking of others, where are they?''

''They went home...!''

''But...why d-''

Before you got say anything Jungkook knelt infront of you.He was holding a ring box. You gasped.

''Y/N! I started loving you from the day I saw you. I know we both love each other so much and we also dream together.So we can do everything together right? For the rest of out lives. I didn't tell you every reason why I love you. Only a few.I am hoping you will spent the rest of your life with me. Will you marry me?''

You couldn't believe it. Jungkookie is proposing you??!! You too knelt down and held both his hands.

''I really do love you too, and I am not saying no....Yes I will marry you kookie!'' you said smiling.Jungkookie returned the smile and placed the ring on your finger.Without being late, he pulled you to another passionate kiss.

-Time skip-

You got out of the car and was about to enter the house when Jungkookie picked you up the bridal style.

''Let's walk home together. shall we?'' He asked smirking. You playfully rolled your eyes. Before even knocking on the door, Namjoon opened it.

''Congratulations you guys...!!!'' Everyone shouted. That's when you saw your parents. You ran towards them ad hugged them.

''Mom?Dad?When did you come here?'' you asked.

''Namjoon told us about your proposal plans a few days ago, so we took a quick leave from our business tour and came here.'' Explained your mom.

''Y/n! How dare you didn't tell us about your relationship?'' asked your dad pretending to be angry.

You laughed. ''Abpojiii~!''


Practically crying here....*sniff* Our bunny kookie is a big boy now...!!!

Only another few chapters more....

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