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It's here, it's finally here.
My wedding day.
After two weeks of putting it off, Nessa has finally convinced me to have it today.
And I am.
Here I am in my beautiful white dress, I was a bit put off about the color to begin with, but after many arguments with glinda, most of them ending with the unspoken rule that I
"Can't where a black wedding dress!"
I finally decided on this one, it's long and feels like I'm in a cloud, my hair is in a fishtail braid and upon my request, white roses are beaded into it.

For once when I look at myself in the mirror I don't feel ashamed, I feel confident.
There's a knock on the door,
"Who is it?" I call playfully, hoping for it to be Fiyero.
"Your dress maker," Glinda replies "and she wants to see how it looks."
Sighing deeply I go over and open the door, Glinda waddles her way in and runs her hands how my sides.
She then claps them together excitedly.
"Why miss Elphaba, look at you!" She squeaks "your beautiful."

I grin excitedly at Glinda, trying to remain composed.
Glinda looks stunning, though there's no surprise there.
She's in a pale yellow dress that doesn't reach the floor, it misses her shoulders and goes down her arms.
Her hair is neatly curled and her makeup is rosy and simple.
"Glinda." I say suddenly "how's Nessa?"
Glinda glances over to me as she pats her hair.
"Finishing getting dressed," she mumbles softly.
I put my hands on my hips,
"That's not what I meant," I say flatly "how is she feeling?"
Glindas eyes avoid my gaze,
"She's been awake all night," Glinda says sadly "complaining about a headache,"
I feel awful, I can't get married when I know she's in pain, it just doesn't feel right.
"But Elphie, you must continue with this wedding, for her" Glinda says, at that moment I knew that Glinda had the same concern I did.

I step out into the hall way, with Glinda on guard so that Fiyero doesn't see me in my dress.
We're successful and make it to the room that Glinda and Nessa got dressed in.
I knock on the door and go in.
I see Nessa visibly get startled at the door opening, she turns herself round hastily.
She looks wonderful, her hair it's also curled, but the curls are more relaxed as oppose to Glindas tight bouncy ones.
Nessas dress is slightly different to Glindas, hers has short sleeves and covers her shoulders and rather than bare legs, Nessa has a pair of white tights on.

"Nessa you look..."
"Elphaba!" Nessa gushes suddenly "you are the most beautiful bride in all of Oz," she looks so tearful, I bend down and hug her gently, careful not to hurt her.
"Nessa you look lovely," Glinda whispers, joining in with the hug.
I never imagined that I could be pretty, but with all these comments, I'm starting to consider it.
Nessa pushes out of my hold and takes herself over to the window,
"The garden looks lovely!" She exclaims.
I rush over and peer out myself.
There's really nothing there but a beautiful flower arch, also constructed with white roses.
I look away from the window and scan the walls, looking for something to fixate my gaze upon.
"Boc showed me the rings, they are stunning." Nessa says breathily.
She doesn't look completely right, but she hasn't since we came back from Shiz, I hope this curse wears off soon, I know how much she wants to go back.
Glinda looks up at me excitedly.

We all stand in the garden, Fiyero looks so handsome In his pink bow tie, that matches the dresses, everything is perfect.
He grabs my waist and pulls me in tightly.
"You look perfect," He whispers, making my insides feel so warm.
I bring my hands up and cup his face in them, his breath tickling my fingertips.
Glinda rushes over and places the ring onto my finger and one on Fiyeros.
"Now kiss!" She shouts excitedly, "the most amazing couple in all of Oz,"
Fiyero chuckles and so do I, he holds me tightly at arms length and stares lovingly into my eyes.
I practically jump up to his lips and wrap my arms around him has tightly as I can.
I want to stay in this moment forever and never move, frozen in time permanently.

We're all sat in the lounge now, me and Fiyero are on the sofa, I've not let go of his hand for at least an hour now and I don't plan on doing it.
Nessa and Glinda are best to each other, Glinda is kneeling beside Nessa, who keeps leaning forward to speak to Boc who is stood by the wall on the other side of the room.
No ones said a word, everything feels so surreal, it's not like us to have a day where everything goes perfect.
Almost perfect, my sister is still in pain.
And there's nothing I can do.
It's still light outside but I'm pondering if I should just take Nessa to bed, It feels like she's a child again, having to do everything for her.
But now I like it, father isn't here to tell me that I'm doing it wrong, I've learned to love caring for her and having my sister depend on me, I get jealous if she's letting someone else do it, I feel it's my place.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door, Glinda pats Nessa on the knees and gets up to answer it, the person knocks persistently.
Before Glinda calls out that she's coming.
The lounge door closes softly and all I can here is Glindas heels tapping their way across the stony hallway floor.
Then I hear the click of the lock and the front door slide open.
Glinda screams suddenly and I stand up abruptly, ready to rush to Glindas aid.
"How are you here?" Glinda barks.

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