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I open my eyes slowly, and take a deep breath.
What time is it?
I still feel awful, I didn't feel like this before the spell, just after it.
I don't blame anyone.
Anyone but myself.
I try to do a good thing and this happens, I want to get up and not feel like a burden to anyone.
But instead I've made myself even more of a liability.
The door opens slowly and a beam of light stretches and fills the room.
"Nessa" I hear Elphaba whisper "are you awake?"
My tongue traces the inside of my lips, my mouth feels so dry.
"Water" I croak "can I have some water"
Elphie rushes over and draws the Curtains then marches swiftly out of the room.

Elphaba returns moments later a glance of water in her hand and her spell book in the other, I prize myself up, I use my feet to push myself against the headboard of the bed.
Even though my head is banging like a drum I'm still pleasantly surprised with how easy it was to just move like that.
"Here" Elphie says handing me the glass.
I gulp it down in a matter of seconds and shakily hand the glass back.
"Feeling any better?" Elphaba asks, placing a hand on my burning forehead.
"Not particularly" I mutter, Elphie sudden has a really guilty look across her face.
"What's wrong?" I ask, scared of her answer.
Elphaba opens her spell book and finds a page that she bookmarked with the tiny red ribbon.
"The spell I used to enchant you shoes..." she says.
I look down at them and wriggle them slightly, smiling to myself as I do.
"There was a warning that I didn't read" Elphaba continues "there's side effects if you use it on a single person twice."
I try to comprehend what she's saying but my head feels like it's spinning.
I feel myself begin to tilt sideways.
I fall back down onto the bed whilst Elphie keeps talking.
"Nessa!" She cries suddenly, she shoots her hand out and strokes my arm.
"I'm so sorry, I should have read it properly" Elphie says, I can hear the panic in her voice.
"How long do they last?" I croak, Elphie opens the book again and scans it frantically.
"A few days tops" she says miserably "oh ness I'm so sorry"
Elphie sees that I'm getting sleepy and places her spell book onto the bedside table, she then creeps out of the room and goes upstairs.

There's a sudden creaking sound beside me, I look up frantically.
Bocs standing there, he walks over to the side of the bed.
"I don't understand" he says slowly "this didn't happen last time right?"
I shake my head sadly,
"Elphaba didn't read the book properly, your not really supposed to give out that enchantment twice" I say miserably.
I'm such an idiot.
Why am I complaining to Boc about a misread enchantment.
The reason he's like this is because I got selfish and read Elphies book wrong.
"Sorry to hear that" Boc says to my surprise.
I decide that it's time to get up, because if I don't now I'm scared that I never will.
"What are you doing, you should stay in bed" Boc says, I'm surprised he cares at all.
I shake my head and steady my feet on the floor.
I feel my knees begin to shake, but I don't care.
I hold onto the armchair that Elphie brought into the middle of the room until my legs stop trembling.
Boc looks anxious.
His eyes flicker from me to the spell book on my table.
I can tell that he's still scared of me.
I take a uneasy step towards the door, I stick my arms out slightly to balance myself.
Boc hovers around new awkwardly, contemplating whether or not he wants to help me.

I keep walking, out into the hallway and over into the lounge, my arms stuck out like a pole.
Boc follows closely behind, though I can tell that he's not really worried about me.
I go into the lounge, hoping to take a seat, to my dismay Fiyero is asleep on the sofa.
"Nessa? Shouldn't you be in bed?" Glinda says, catching sight of me.
I shake my head,
"I fine..." I lie, my breathing quickens and I begin to sway.
Elphie rushes forward,
"Nessa you should sit down..." her voice trails away as she realises that Fiyero is occupying the only available seats.
Elphaba glances around the room and stares at my chair.
She pushes it towards me.
"Sit here"
I stare at it.
I have never had so much hatred towards an object.
"I'm not getting in that wretched thing!" I shout loudly, Fiyero sits up at the sheer volume of my voice.
Glinda looks startled, Boc has a smug expression on his face.
Elphie looks like she's going to cry.
My head spins, my vision is going blurry.
All this swaying is making me feel sick.
I can't feel both feet on the ground anymore.
I think I'm falling but I can't be sure, everything is such a blur.
Suddenly I hear Elphaba scream, someone grabs hold of my arms and I fall into a tight grasp, I feel Soft, warm fabric behind me.

"Nessa..." someone calls.
My eyes are closed, it's so dark.
"Nessa!" They call again, more frantically this time.
I open my eyes suddenly, I see everyone's faces staring down at me.
I feel so silly.
"Oh Nessa!" I hear Glinda cry from above me, I look around without turning my head.
It was Glinda who caught me.
I'm half sat up against her chest, but my legs are sprawled out Wiley I've the floor.
I hear sobbing coming from somewhere in the room.
I've just raised that Elphabas face isn't in the crowd of people surrounding me.
Fiyeros face disappears out of my view and I'm left with only Glinda and Boc to stare at.
I wish Boc wasn't looking at me, he looks awfully smug and I hate it.
Sounds like Elphaba hates it too.
"You can wipe that silly grin off of your face" I hear her shout, Bocs face leaves my eye sight as well.
Glinda places her hands over my ears, but I can still hear everything because she's not quite touching me.
"Well it's just that, that silly chair that she so depended on, she doesn't want now, she doesn't care," I hear Boc sneer.
I want to say something, but I'm so riddled with guilt that I can't argue back with him.
"Boc be nice" Glinda says meekly.
"It's true, she'll dump you next" Boc shouts "once the after effects have worn off she'll realise that she doesn't need you either"
I hear what sounds like a struggle,
"Elphaba leave it" I hear Fiyero say frantically.
"Fine" she growls.
I hear someone leave the room, Glinda looks down at me and takes her hands off from around my ears.
She pulls me closer to her chest and stars to hum.
Elphie isn't in the room anymore.

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