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We're here.
Me and Glinda are once again outside Madame Morribles Cell.
However Things have changed quite a bit since last time.
I'm sat I'm my old wooden chair, Glinda insisted that we find it since the Governor one made me so unhappy, admittedly the wooden one is significantly more uncomfortable but I can put up with it.
I'm wearing a pale yellow dress,
Long sleeves and long skirt, there's a lovely white collar on it and pearly buttons going down the back.
The HALEN is resting on my lap and I'm ready for whatever hateful things Madame Morrible has to say.

"Ready?" Glinda asks, her face looking sad and void of joy.
I nod solemnly and Glinda fumbles around with her wand.
Glinda is wearing and unapologetically bright blue dress, it's simple but beautiful.
I'm unsure why but I've become quite fixated with what people are wearing.
I suppose it makes sense, I turned Boc back into a human.
It's like old times so I gues my old self obsessed mind set should come back too.
Glinda taps her wand against the door, I hear a loud clicking sound.
The door opens slowly, Glinda steps inside and struggles to hold the rusty metal door open enough for me to push myself through.
It's only been about two days and Madame Morrible looks awful.
I don't know why I still call her Madame her name is Moira.
But I guess I still feel like I owe her some sort of respect.

Madame looks up at us and sighs deeply, she peers at me and her eyes dark towards the book on my lap.
"Clever girls" she says eerily "I see you found it"
Glinda puts a hand on my shoulder, I'm not sure whether it's to reassure me or her.
"So what spell did you use?" Madame Morrible says grinning sinisterly.
"Take a guess" I bark, I feel angry, here I am being laughed at by the woman who summoned a tornado to kill me.
"Playing hero are we? Sacrifice your legs for that tin boy?" Moira snarls "I doubt he's grateful,"
Glindas fingers tighten around my shoulder, her nails dig into my skin.
"Is that the spell that you were talking about?" Glinda asks hurriedly, she looks so angry.
Madame chuckles.
"There was no spell, I just wanted you to find it" Moira leans towards me, as far as her shackles will allow "say have you tried to preform any magic yet?"
I shake my head aggressively,
"No and I don't plan on it,"
"But don't you want to know what your capable of?" Moira snarls, her lips curling into some sort of terrifying grin.

I hate being here, I wanted answers but we're not getting anywhere.
"Are we going to gain anything from this visit or should we just leave?" I bark impatiently, Glinda nods in agreement.
I can tell she's uncomfortable.
"Your got far more interesting since your father died," Moira mutters, "you used to be so naive but now you think you can just make everything better by just being crippled again"
That word.
The word that father never eat me say.
"Though I suppose it's better than Miss Upland over here, still as naive as ever and they say Fiyero is the one without the brains"
It's as if I can hear the blood inside of Glinda begin to boil, before I can stop her, Glinda leans forward and strikes Madame Morrible across the face.
Moira doesn't seem stunned by this, she leans back and cackles loudly.
Glinda retreats to behind me, she holds her hand that she hit Moira with close to her chest.
"Well" I say sarcastically after a short while "this has been a real pleasure"
Madame Morrible looks almost frightened at the idea of us leaving,
"Wait," she shrieks "Don't leave me, I'm just a poor old woman"
I roll my eyes.
I hate this woman.
Regardless of whether she's poor or old.
"Nessarose" she says sympathetically "don't let them hurt you, don't let them shelter you from the world"
Glinda narrows her eyes, and places her hand back onto my shoulder,
"You changed your tune" I say angrily, I don't trust a word this woman says, I don't know why I decided we should come back, guess I just wanted answers.
"Come back and visit me" she whispers softly, her demeanour changing entirely.
I know she can be deceptive but this seems different, she seems empty.
"Nessa don't listen to her, she's crazy" Glinda says hurriedly.
"You don't have to trust me, I just get so lonely here" she splutters.

All of a sudden Glinda tightly grabs my chair handles and practically shoves me out of the room and into the hallway.
The door slams behind us loudly.
"What was that for?" I hiss angrily,
Glinda rushes round to the ground of my chair.
"We're your seriously believing her," Glinda says, flabbergasted "she's trying to trick you"
I hug the HALEN to my chest.
"Glinda I..." I stop for a second.
I hold my tongue, I don't know what I want to say.
"You won't leave me right?" I say after a while.
Glinda looks so shocked, she practically launches herself into my arms.
I can't hug her back because I'm holding the HALEN and Glinda is hugging me so tightly I can't move my arms.
"Of course id never leave you" she says, "we're practically family."
I feel like crying, but I don't know why,
"You know this is all I every wanted" I say spluttering tears into Glindas curly hair.
"What's that?"
I sniff loudly,
"To be your friend, your the girl I've always wanted to be"
It's true, Glindas perfect, she is an amazing leader.
"I'm glad you took over Munchkin Land, the people deserve you"
Glinda holds me tighter,
"Oh Nessa," Glinda says, crying now herself.
Glinda says holding herself at arms length,
I stare into her icy blue eyes.
"Your even better than a family, your my friend."

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