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There's so much noise, everything is so loud and I've barely even opened my eyes.
There's shouting and wild laughter outside and the sound of creaking floorboards.
I wish it would just stop so I could go back to sleep.
My head pounds at every sound, I open my eyes suddenly, staring up at the ceiling.
The room feels like it's spinning, I can't begin to describe how I'm feeling.
There's a knock at the door, I'm unable to form the words that I don't want to see anyone, so to my dismay the door slides open and Glindas head peers inside.

Glinda rushes towards me and sits by the side of the bed, staring up into my eyes, she strokes my forehead gently.
"Oh Ness, you feel so warm," Glinda says sadly, pulling her hand away.
I hear the sound of running water next to me, I manage to look down and see that Glinda has a bowl of water beside her.
She produces a rag and wrings it in the water, she then folds it up and places it onto my head.
The water is so soothing, but the rag soon warms up.
"I hope that's a bit better." Glinda whispers.
I close my eyes as I feel some of the water dripping down my face.

"Someone's here to see you," Glinda says suddenly.
I roll my eyes, if they've brought a doctor it's not going to help.
"Harley," I croak, my voice shaking.
She steps forward slowly and Glinda leaves the room.
"Oh Nessa, I was absolutely heart broken when Dr Dillamomd told me what happened."
I shake my head and feel my lip trembling, I don't want to cry but I feel as if I might at any moment.
"Sorry," I mumble pitifully, "I'm disgusting."
Harley gently touches my arm,
"Don't say that," she says strictly "your just not feeling a hundred percent."
I feel pathetic.
I just want to be sat on a chair, though I don't think I can.

"Harley, please get my chair," I mumble,
"Are you sure?" She asks timidly, probably scared of Elphabas reaction.
"No" I chuckle emptily.
Harley leaves the room and enters again a few moments later with my governors chair, it looks comfy as ever.
She steps over to me,removes the tag from my face and places a hand under my knees and around my shoulders.
Harley places me down in my chair gently.
I feel myself begin to shake.
Harley throws open the wardrobe and wraps a blanket around my waist and legs.
Just like when I was a child and father would cover my legs in family pictures because they where unsightly.
"Feeling alright?" Harley asks politely,
I nod, though I lean my head against my hands.
"Can you take me into the lounge?" I mumble.

Everyone's eyes widen when they see me, Elphaba jumps up protectively.
I'll have to admit it's Harley's first time pushing me and it is very smooth, she seems to know what she's doing.
"Nessa," Elphaba says hurriedly, "we were just looking at some old pictures."
I scan over the people people in the room, Harley lets go of my handles and hovers awkwardly around Glinda.
I push myself slowly over towards the sofa,
Boc is sat on the edge (next to me) the Fiyero or Elphaba.
I look over at the pictures in there hands, Elphaba has one of her and me and Fiyero the same.
Boc has a horrid one in his hands.
Me with my broken leg, I look tearful.
The cast has all those beautiful flowers that Elphie drew on it.
"Elphaba really gave you the worst ones," I say solemnly trying to engage and ignore the pounding headache that rattled through my brain.

"Here, Ness." Elphaba says cheerfully, handing Fiyero a picture, who then hands it past Boc to me.
I take hold of it, my hands shaking frantically.
"We really do have a habit for pictures." I say.
Fiyero chuckles.
"Memories," Elphaba reply's sadly.
"Beautiful memories," Glinda pipes up from the side of the room.
I look down at the picture.
It's me at the piano, probably a few days after my birthday, I have on a green velvet dress with long sleeves and a matching bow in my hair.
Suddenly my head starts to spin worse than before,
"Oh goodness," I murmur, bringing my hand to my head.
Boc tilts his head, his face looks really concerned.
"Nessa, do you need to go lie down?" He asks politely.
I shake my head, though I know it's probably true.

I've really started to think about Madame Morrible, what spell she could have possibly been trying to cast on me.
I can't imagine anything worse than this.
I've yet to speak with the mirror, but when I do she will be sure to get an earful.
I glance back over to the people on the sofa, Elphaba seems to have handed out more pictures, I seriously don't know where they are coming from.
I know that there all embarrassing, I sometimes can't bare to look at pictures of me as a child.
I was stupid and naive, I thought the biggest problem I was ever going to face was a flight of stairs.
I should have seen it coming, the horrible person I became, it all stemmed from being spoilt rotten as a child, it made me weak and needy for attention.
I had attention, just not the kind I wanted,
then people stated to leave.

I look up suddenly, Boc taps me on the shoulder, he smiles weakly.
"I can take you for a lie down if I want,"
I hear Harley shuffle around beside Glinda, I don't think Elphaba has been the warmest she could possibly be towards her.
Boc taps me again, I whip my head around.
There's so many noises going on, it's hard to focus, everything looks so blurry and I feel so hot.
I can hear my heartbeat like it's in the back of my throat, it's beats are fast and uncoordinated.
"Nessa," Boc says sternly "I'm taking you to bed."

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