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I push myself out into the lounge of my house, there my sister sits on the sofa, one of her feet wrapped tightly in a bandage and a pair of wooden crutches lay next to her.
I smile pitifully.
"How in Oz did you manage to do that?" I ask, chuckling slightly,
Elphaba grins at me,
"You honestly wouldn't believe me," she says calmly,
"Try me,"
"I fell down the stairs," she begins to laugh before she's even finished her sentence,
"At least it's only sprained, you could have broken something!" I say speaking from experience.
Elphaba has this large grin spread about her face,
"What are you so happy about?"
Elphaba folds her arms tightly,
"Your here," she says merrily "you came home for the winter."

I here the door open behind me, I would turn to look but I'm too busy focused on my sisters larger than life grin.
"Nessa!" I hear exclaimed from beside me, Glinda comes into view and sits next to me on the floor.
"Is Albert not with you?" I ask mildly puzzled,
Glinda shakes her head,
"He's talking with Fiyero."
Elphaba smiles then winces, her eyes shut tightly.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask frantically, knowing I'd be of no use to her.
"Nothing, my foots just a bit achey" she says leaning back into the sofa.
"I'm honestly quite disappointed in you," I say sarcastically "you should have learnt from my mistakes that you don't play on the stairs,"
Elphaba roars with laughter,
"Honestly Nessa!" She cries, her grin slowly reappearing on her face.

Glinda bounces over to the sofa and grabs a pillow from one end and gently places it under Elphies foot.
"You really don't have to do that," Elphaba says, though she doesn't move the cushion.
Glinda sits down next to her and puts one knee over the other.
She's wearing a fury white coat, something I wish I was in.
To tell the truth, I'm fairly cold, my deep red dress paired with thick black tights don't really keep me to warm, all I really do is match my chair.
"How's it been with Albert?" Elphaba asks.
I shrug, not knowing what to say.
"Every day he tries to get me to open up about my past," I say uncomfortably "he's quite persistent."
Elphaba and Glinda share an anxious glance at one another.
I don't actually talk to Albert a lot, I try to keep to myself, he isn't able to come out of the lounge too often since I have to speak with staff and students, all whilst I'm plagued with tremendous headaches.
Harley comes in at six in the morning and six in the evening to get me out in into bed.
So I usually just lie there till I can sleep, Albert tends to try and talk at night, probably because I can't get away from him.

"Oh my, Elphaba!" Alberts concerned voices booms from behind me, I listen to his footsteps rush towards me, he walks in front of me and sits down on the floor in front of her.
"Did you have to go to the doctors?" Albert asks anxiously, Glinda looks slightly peeved.
"We did, they refused to check her untill I got there," Glinda says harshly, Albert looks sad.
Though he has every reason to be.
"But nothings broken?"
Elphaba shakes her head and chuckles lightly.
"Will everyone stop fussing," she exclaims, though she smiles all the same.
There's a sudden shriek from outside the window, though if doesn't sound scared or angry, instead joyous.
Glinda looks puzzled and pulls back the long grey curtain slightly.
"It's snowing!" She exclaims clapping her hands in delight, Elphaba sighs heavily at her childishness.
Albert stands up and goes to look out the window, he smiles cheerfully to himself.
I turn to look at Elphaba who shuffled herself over to her crutches and positions them under her shoulders and stands up, balancing badly on her singular foot.
Glinda stands up too and holds her hands out in front of her, anticipating Elphies fall.

Elphaba hobbles forwards and makes her way over to me.
It's quite hard to watch.
"That took some effort," she says panting heavily.
I don't think and frantically shout,
"Don't hurt yourself!"
Elphaba smiles and tears stream down her face, I feel as though I've done something horrible.
"Elphaba what's wrong?" Glinda asks suddenly, Elphie makes her way painfully back to the sofa and starts to cry loudly,
I want to get up and hug her like Glinda is doing.
"Did I do something?" I ask, my voice trembling, terrified that I've upset my sister.
Albert turns around from the window and looks at Elphaba then over at me, looking bewildered.
"You wouldn't have come would you?" Elphaba suddenly sniffs, "I'd I hadn't have fell down the stairs you wouldn't be here,"
I push myself backwards suddenly, it's an automatic response to people darker tones since spending that time with Madame Morrible.
"What did I do wrong Ness? what drove you away?" Elphaba asks suddenly,
"I...I..." I stutter, not knowing what to say "I can't do this!" I shout regrettably.
I turn my head and push myself out the lounge door, down the hallway.

I start to get out of breath and have to stop, I feel a headache coming on.
I shouldn't have to explain myself to anyone, I can't, I can't have them going out of there way to try and help me with anything.
I won't steal away anymore of my sisters life, she's married now, I'm not her responsibility anymore.
I never should have been in the first place, my father ruined everything and he's not around to here my grievances.
I'm can't begin to express how envious I am of Elphabas father, he loves her and treats her like a person and then there's my father, who did so many bad things.
I just can't stay here any longer than I have to, I've spent my whole life dependant on others and now I've got this opportunity to do something good with myself and I'm just so scared.
I can't let anyone know.

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